How can I get my blood sugar levels down and stable?

My open RNY has been postponed for the second time by BTC in Ohio - this time because my blood sugar levels are staying above 200. My PCP changed my oral meds yesterday to try to see if that would help (was on Glucovance now on Glucophage and Prandin) I have type II diabetes and am pretty healthy considering I'm 5'4" and 280#. I swim laps each morning and walk each night and watch the carbs etc in my diet. I just can't get my sugar to go down far enough to be cleared for surgery. Any ideas that will help? BTC says they need to be below 150 and stable for at least two full weeks before they reschedual me. HELP! I feel so ready for surgery and so bummed about this new delay.Any suggestions?    — Cheryl A. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 21, 2002
You might want to see if you can get a referral to an endocrinologist, who deals mostly with diabetes. This is the medical profession who is most likely to be able to help you get your sugars down to normal levels. Good luck and feel free to email if you wish.
   — garw

February 21, 2002
I am a type II diabetic also. I go to a Endocrinologist. He has me on Glucovance, Actos and insulin. My sugars average about 125. I would definately tell you to see an Endocrinologist about this. He told me to make sure I keep my blood sugar down before surgery Because if I don't there could be complications. My surgery is set for April 18, 2002. I trying to be good. :-) Good Luck. Amy
   — Amy H.

February 21, 2002
I am a type II post op and since surgery my blood sugars have been below 150 consistantly. Before surgery I would go from 60 to 300 wildly. My advice is to cut out all processed Carbohydrates (Bread, Pasta, etc.) Also try increasing your exercise...maybe going more than once per day. Hope this helps!
   — Terri H.

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