What are Amino Acids?

I see in quite a few posts saying that there is a possiability that the reason for loosing hair is the lack of amino acids! What are amino acids and if you're lacking them how do you replace them or what do you take? Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 6, 2002)

January 6, 2002
I wanted to know the answer too so I went to basically, amino acids up protein. There are some amino acids that we can produce and some that we need to get in our diets and then there are some that are really important for us to get in our diet because they are the limiting factor in some reactions. Go to the site and read it. It does a better job explaining then I can here.
   — Carolynn J.

January 6, 2002
Amino acids are the chemical building blocks of proteins, and what our bodies break proteins down into as a result of digestion. To get more amino acids, you have to increase your protein intake. This can be done by eating protein rich foods, using protein supplements or both. IMHO, early post op, there is just no way you can get in ALL the protein you need. According to my surgeon, the shock of surgery and anesthesia combined with the extremely low calorie intake and rapid weight loss we experience early post op is what causes the hair loss. He also says if you are one of the unlucky ones who is going to lose hair, there is not much you can do to prevent it. Getting more protein in won't hurt ... and neither will getting in your vitamins, biotin, zinc, or using special shampoos, etc. But they may not help much either ... you may still lose some hair. THe good news is that hardly anyone loses all of it, it is usually not that noticeable, and it is temporary. It does grow back and really is a small price to pay for all the good stuff that happens post op.
   — Lynn T.

January 6, 2002
Amino acids are essentially protiens broken down to their chemical levels. I am not sure on all the medical/science speak, but I know that we, especially wls patients, don't make or get near enough even with protien suppliments. I had been supplying a website where you could get a vitamin/mineral/amino acids liquid that hasin it all the vitamins/minerals and amino acids that we need, but some people haven't been able to get into it. Another AMOS member sent me another site that actually has the liquid a bit cheaper than the site I was sending people to!! So, here is that site and the liquid is called Maximol Solutions. I take it, and it has done wonders for my hair... my mom has taken it for a long time and has the most georgeous hair!! (It used to be thin and stringy and now she wears it long and it is beautiful... sheis 63!!) Here's the site and good luck!
   — Sharon H.

January 6, 2002
Of course you already know that protein intake is essential to hair growth and maintaining muscle mass while you are lossing weight. Hence the importance of amino acids which make protein. I highly recommend the web site. It talks about how to get complete proteins and such in your diet. (that's right, no www on the front.)
   — Carolynn J.

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