Genetics and obesity - long term weight loss

My entire family, father, mother, sister, brother, grandparents have always been / were overweight - so I partly blame my weight problems on genetics. Any information on long term weight loss after WLS when genetics seem to be main problem?    — Margaret G. (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
My doctor explained it like this: We obese people have a very efficient body, where hundreds of years ago, we would of been survivors. We need very little food to survive and in the modern days of good and plenty it is a handicap. So I say with our surgery and use our tool well, we can be very successful. Best of luck to you!
   — ZZ S.

December 30, 2001
Many of us do NOT have an eating disorder. Those of us with genetic obesity are just as likely to succeed as anyone else, given the correct surgery and post-op plan. 7 yrs, still at goal wt.
   — vitalady

December 31, 2001
I'm with Michelle, the vast majority of us have a genetic component to our obesity, even if we have some skinny family members. My beleif is that to become morbidly obese, you pretty much have to have the right genese for it. Otherwise my adopted brother and bmi 19 roommate would be obese too because they eat a ton. WLS is the blessed treatment for this genetic disease. There are some interesting studies done with twins raised separately and adopted children that really point to the fact that obesity is very genetic. I think WLS is the best treatment and really the only treatment because if diets worked, none of us would be here.
   — kcanges

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