How severe is my Sleep Apnea, my setting is at 13?

   — Nora R. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 6, 2001
Not nearly as bad as mine, my setting was 18. Most appear under 10, with 6 a common number posted here. I hear tyhe top number is 25 or 30
   — bob-haller

November 6, 2001
Hi, My setting was at 9 and I had quite a few non breathing episodes a minute. Do you know what your oxygen level was with you episodes and how many per minute? 2 weeks post op I was off my machine. I am now completely "snore" free with no episodes of non breathing. I am 3 months plus a few days post-op. Good luck and take Care.
   — Karen Renee

November 7, 2001
Okey I am asking a question off of a question but.....How do those of you that quit your cpap do it?.....Do you see your doctor and he/she takes you off or do you just take yourself off?.....I sleep with one and am almost 6 months post....My setting is 6 and I find myself taking my mask off during the night now...I have been waking up and find the mask thrown in the apparently it is bothering me pretty bad.....anyhoo I see alot of posters say they come off of them soon after surgery so how do you know when the time is right?...My hubby said sometimes when I take it off I still snore and sometimes I don't.....(forgive me for asking questions off of yours)....I was told my 6 setting was very normal and low so your's is not that bad...this is what my doctor told me, when your setting gets in the 20's it's getting bad....God Bless!!!!
   — Cindi V.

November 7, 2001
The only person that can answer this question for you is the doctor who prescribed the machine. The number doesn't mean that much; a person who weighs 125 and uses a setting of 13 is probably pretty bad off where a person who weighs 400 and is set at 13 might have mild apnea. Does this make sense? At 300 lbs, my setting was 10, and I had mild to moderate apnea.<br><br>I just stopped using my machine post-op and had no problems at all. However, I would consult with your sleep doctor before taking that route for safety's sake. I am 7 weeks post-op, down 52 lbs, and feel great!
   — Julia M.

November 7, 2001
I and 23 days Pre-Op but I have had a cpap machine for 5 years and my setting is on 18 , I don't know how I will make it without my 2nd best thing next to my bed (First is my wife) after my surgery. But I quess will find out .
   — Rex C.

November 7, 2001
My BMI is 53.7. My CPAP machine is set on 16 and I've been told I have severe sleep apnea. As much as I hate the "elephant mask", it has helped me sleep these last 3-4 years. I will miss it as it has been a part of my life for years though it will be nice to not have to pack it up with me every time I stay overnight somewhere or bunk with other people (embarrassing). Anyways, hope that helps. I would also like to know how someone knows it is time to go off or not. My surgery is 11/20 and looking forward to be CPAP free someday in the not-so-distant future. Take care and God bless.
   — Karen L.

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