Over-eating prior to surgery

I really didn't have a problem with huge amounts of food, or extensivley eating. But as the clock ticks down to my surgery (2 weeks away) I feel like I need to eat everything in site and I can't get enough! I know that is just me being paranoid, but I feel like I will never enjoy food again and like I have to have red meat like it is going out of style! What is wrong with me? If anyone has a comment or can help, please email me as it is hard to see this site alot and I usually miss the answer! [email protected] Thanks sisters & brothers!    — Marni R. (posted on October 29, 2001)

October 29, 2001
Oh, how I hope this is normal.....My surgery is on November 13 and I am continuously stuffing my face. I will probably gain 20 more pounds before surgery if this keeps up! But I think it is probably normal thinking.
   — Kendra A.

October 29, 2001
It sounds pretty normal to me. Two weeks before my rny, I ate all the foods I thought I'd never be able to have again. I called friends and went out to dinner "for the last time". Like I was dying or leaving the country! (lol). One night I ate nearly a pound of Godive chocolates and I got so sick, I wanted to die...I think it was pre-surgery dumping (lol). Don't take it too seriously. You're under a lot of stress; so, don't worry about what you are eating at this stage. Just relax....and have a pre-surg pina colada for me. I can't drink alcohol anymore!
   — [Anonymous]

October 29, 2001
This is exactly how I've been lately. I still have 4 weeks to go too! I just feel like I have eat everything in sight. I do have a feeling, however, that it is pretty normal. I want to get it under control though because I don't want to gain even more weight before I have surgery. The 100 I need to lose is plenty already! Like I said though, I think it is pretty normal.
   — Kirstin99

October 29, 2001
Hi Marni, I gained 8 lbs from the time I had my PCP referal appointment, until the surgery, 8 weeks later. I ate everything. I think a lot of people do this because they fear that they will never eat these things again, and some do it out of nervousness. Mine was both. I am a emotional eater big time, so the thought of no more whoppers, and then being nervous about having surgery for the first time, did it for me. Enjoy it while you can.
   — Carey N.

October 29, 2001
You are definitely not alone. I have been obsessing over food like it's going out of style... which I guess.. in our case, it is! I'm having a little bit of a different problem tho. I want to eat everything, but when I try to decide what to eat, I can't think of anything, or am not in the mood for it. I want to eat so badly, but I just can't decide what to eat first, so I don't eat at all. I can't wait til my parents take me to dinner right before my surgery... I can promise you that for the first time in a million years, I AM GOING TO ORDER DESERT IN FRONT OF THEM!!!! ;-)
   — Janet C.

October 29, 2001
I had trillions of "last meals" for weeks before my surgery. And I'm happy I did! In my case I lost around 6-14 pounds the month before my surgery but I think that was due to stopping sugar (using splenda) during that time. Enjoy "stuffing your face" while you can. I still enjoy most foods, but never again can I enjoy so many foods at one time. What I mean is, if I go to a all you can eat place, I can only get (maybe) three different items to eat. Then not much of them. But now you can fill your plate with many foods and enjoy! I'm not saying I'm real sad about losing the ability to eat everything in site, but I am glad that I enjoyed it while I was able. Now I can settle for the restrictions of the Bypass and not feel deprived often. Enjoy while you can, then enjoy the slim you later on. :)
   — Danmark

October 29, 2001
You are very NORMAL!!! I gained 11 lbs. during the month I waited to have my surgery. I think I ate Tex-Mex food every day for a week--couldn't get enough. I ate junk for breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks and dinner. When it was time to have surgery I had eaten so much I was ready to stop eating by then. I do not regret it because most of those foods I can no longer have. Sooo, have fun!!!
   — Betty Todd

October 29, 2001
Yes I too hope that this is normal, I only have 2 days before my councl..and I am on the see food diet.(everything I see I eat) My biggest fear is what if I gain a lot of weight and my inaurence turns me down and then I wont get to have surgery. I also feel out of control about eating.
   — [Anonymous]

November 8, 2001
Thank goodness!! I am not the only one out there who is doing this. I eat EVERYTHING that I see. But you know something, I feel like I am getting bored now. I don't think there is nothing else for me to eat. I have even tried that new burger at Burger King the first day it came out!! lol I used to be scared about what I eat but now, I eat because I know starting November 27th I will not eat this way again. Now I feel normal that others are doing this too. lol
   — sistabodean

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