Can RNY post-ops drink soy milk? Has anyone tried it?

I am 8.5 mos. RNY post-op. I still drink lots of protein shakes that are already made up. I have lots of powders, but I think water will make them too thin. Has anyone tried soy milk with shakes? What can we use to make the shakes thick? Or, does everyone just use water? Thanks,    — Betty Todd (posted on September 23, 2001)

September 23, 2001
Hi - I'm only 3 weeks post-op but Soy Milk was fine when I tried it in my protein shakes. I also use plain non-fat yogurt to thicken my shakes up - maybe because I'm still new, but it tastes pretty darn good to me!
   — Sherry P.

September 23, 2001
I am 2 months pot-op and just got some soy milk from Wal-Mart Supercenter, the brand name is White Wave and I got the SILK chocolate as a treat, it has 5g of protein, 19g sugars in a cup. It is lactose free. I feel fine after drinking it, YUM!
   — Angela S.

September 23, 2001
The sugar's pretty high in there for good t loss, but have you tried ProScore 100? It can be made up pretty thick in just water. The other thing you might do is add less water to your protein, and maybe try 1 T of non-dairy creamer (like Cremora or Mocha Mix) to your shake to make it taste richer without substantially adding any damage to it.
   — vitalady

September 23, 2001
I am over 2 years post-op and have been drinking Silk Soy Milk for the past 6 mths or so! I have had no problems with it since it doesn't contain lactose, I have tried a few others but they just seem to thick. I also use it to cook Cream of Wheat and in oatmeal.
   — Carrie G.

September 24, 2001
ProScore 100 mixes thick with water.
   — Kimberly L.

September 24, 2001
I adore the soy milk! I had open RNY on 6/23/00 and am less than 14 pounds from my goal of 150. I use the mocha or chocolate flavored soy milk to mix my carnation instant breakfast (sugar free) in the mornings. I usually throw in the blender with a cup of ice and a banana! Breakfast of champions!
   — Andrea P.

September 24, 2001
I know all docs are different, but mine told me not to consume anything w/more than 5 or 6 grams of sugar per serving. I had soy milk, not thinking about sugar content, and dumped quickly. I now stick to skim milk. I did find a sweet-n-low fat free and sugar free chocolate syrup which tastes great for chocolate milk. Soy may help with those that lactose intolerant, but in my opinion contains too much sugar.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 27, 2001
this is a few days late....I cannot drink regular milk as I have sever dumping. I do only drink soy milk now. I try to buy the vanilla and have had to try a few different branks before sticking with sun-soy. it is not as thick as others(i have the thick ones) and the taste is not bad. It is just part of my life now.
   — twenc

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