Is there a place on this site where people can go to warn others?

I was having lunch at a popular supposily family restraunt with some friends, one had WLS. The restraunt had allowed her to order off the kid's menu. They then charged her full price for the lunch, plus the cost of a regular size drink, and refused to give her a scoop of sugar free ice cream that was suppose to be included. The manager then got nasty. I didn't think this was fair. Is there a place where we can go to warn others. The people on this site have helped me so much, and I would like to do the same.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 7, 2001)

September 7, 2001
I think you should just post your story on the message board. Most everyone who comes to this site visits the message board at least once a day. You could also add it to your profile. Did any of you ask the manager who was rude to you for the name and number of a person who you could contact that had more authority then him? Even if that manager refused to give you that information, if this is a chain restaurant, you can visit their web site and E-mail a complaint to their corporate offices. I work for a restaurant company that is huge and has stores all over the world and we have toll free hot-line numbers for people to call, plus a web site that has a page for customer contacts. The people who own that restaurant you were at would want to know that your service was not satisfactory and that the manager was rude. So, if you haven't already done so, contact them. Just remember though, because that particular unit and that particular manager didn't meet your expectations, does not mean the same brand restaurant located elsewhere would treat you badly as well. Hope this helps.
   — Susan M.

September 8, 2001
sorry but i totally disagree with the post from anonymous. this person is just making excuses for the poor treatment u rec'd at this establishment. there is no reason in the world why u & ur friend have to hide the fact that she is limited in the quantity & type of food she eats. & the ice cream that was ordered was sugar free!! DUHHH!!! i totally agree with the first poster. find out who owns and/or manages this restaurant & COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN!!! my sister met up with the owner of DENNY'S a few years back. she blasted him with the service and quality of food at her local denny's. they r now good friends & my sister is always getting free meal coupons from the corporate office. remember its the squeeky wheel that gets the grease.
   — sheryl titone

September 8, 2001
Please try and find the owner - expalin to them about the surgery and how limited we are on what and how much we can eat - many of them are just not aware - I had this happen to me not too long ago - a few weeks ago the owner called me at home (I never thought this would happen) - I explained to him about the surgery and what happened at his establishment - he completely appologized and mailed ma a letter stating that I can eat there at 50% each time - he said he did not want to lose our business and wanted us to give his place a second chance - I was amazed at his kindness and support - there are so many people who dont fully understand what we have to go through and that we just want to feel like "normal" people - so they may just need a little lesson - good luck to you.
   — Sharon Jones

October 26, 2001
I've read in a posting at this site that this one WLS doctor hands out cards explaining your situation and asks you be allowed to order from the childrens menu or receive some consideration for your medical condition. It helps you from being restricted to the land of 'a la carte' or taking home 'to go bags' forever. Ask the manager, they usually always like to be helpful to people with medical conditions. Movie theatres are very strict on bringing in no outside foods but they always have been understanding when I bring in my snacks for diabetics. I simply explain I would love to purchase what they have at their snack bars but cannot because of diabetes. I always get a diet drink so that's a bit of a help too.
   — Carmen K.

October 26, 2001
At my local support group we have a monthly newsletter. One of the "columns" is a "Thumbs up/Thumbs down" section for local restaurants and how accomodating they are/are not for WLS patients. We relate our experiences that way, and since our group has over 100 members and growing, word will get around soon!
   — T.L. S.

November 7, 2001
Geez! I think Anonymous really missed the boat on this one! The poster was not upset becuase her friend didn't get treated different or the same for that matter! She ordered off the child's menu and should have been charged the child's menu price AND she should have gotten her ice-cream as well! That dear Anonymous one is CUSTOMER SERVICE!
   — Karen J.

November 7, 2001
I would of told the manager, see us NONE of us will EVER eat at any of your resaurants again! Then tell him to write his name and district managers phone number since you will call them. People who are abut to get into trouble HATE writing this down, and if they refuse tell them you will complain about their refusal too.... Then follow up and complain, its the BEST way to get everyone educated if they arent cooperative.
   — bob-haller

December 31, 2001
I have to agree with anonymous. As people who have been given a great gift we shouldn't think others, particularly establishments who are out there to profit, need to treat us differently from other adults. Why not simply order from the regular menu and take whatever you can't eat home with you? Seems simple enough for me. I have always wanted to be "normal" so why draw attention to my surgery in a restaurant. You look so petite eating such a small portion anyway. *grin* That's my take on it anyway. To each their own of course but life is too short to argue about a doggy bag.
   — [Anonymous]

August 23, 2002
I am the coordinator for our local support group. I personally have sent out over 100 letters to resturants educating them about WLS. Cracker Barrels even called to talk to me about it and asked how they could help. I have found that most negative issues are at the lower level of management. Ask to talk to the district manager. It is not a point of being treated differently but just good customer service. Society will not change unless we do what we can do change it. Although I do not agree with the current law suits against fast food places, I do agree that food sales have gotten out of hand and children are the ones that will suffer. They are conditioned to be "fat" adults. We created this monster with our demands of we have to demand quality not facilty at a time if need be....EDUCATE!
   — Oldsoul

November 20, 2002
I read all the posts and agree with all of them in certain respects. I think the bottom line is this... the resturant agreed (meaning it was discussed ahead of time) to let her order off the kids menu. The cost should be the same. If I order an adult sized meal or a kid sized meal I expect to pay the amount that is stated on the printed menu. If it had been agreed upon initially the resturant should have followed through and not led her to believe that she would be paying a different price. Had the resturant not agreed then the situation would have been different.
   — daytymer

January 16, 2004
Hey what's up anonymous my name is Felicia and as I was reading your post I was thinking to myself why did the restaurant even have to know that your friend had the weight loss surgery. That's none of their business. I mean as Laurie was saying if the menu has a certain price listed for a kids mean and a adult meal then why does it matter if you as a adult purchase a kids meal. If you purchase a kids meal then you should pay the price of whatever the kids meal is listed as. I mean I found that what happen to your friend was probably really just discrimination. I mean I can't believe how this society is so programmed that to BE FAT IS THE MOST GOD AWFUL THING IN THE WORLD TO BE AND IT IS NOT. As far as changing society's treatment towards fat people I don't think that this is something that can ever be changed. But the way I see it there is a lot of ignorant people in the world and if people are not mean and ignorant to you about one thing it is gonna be about something else. Me personally I intend to keep my head up regardless of what size I am rather it be a size 26(before surgery) or a size 12(what I am hoping to be after surgery)b-cuz I know for a fact that I am beautiful inside(which really matters to god) and out. WE ALL ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE LET'S BE HAPPY WHILE WE ARE HERE........Felicia O from Delray Bch, Fla
   — Felicia O.

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