I am one week post and I can eat anything on the liquid diet with out getting sick.

I have been reading on the Q & A how some people have problems with different things they eat. I would like to know, just for confirmaton, that there are others who have had noproblem at all with eating doing the first couple of weeks because Iam beginningto think I have "staple line disruption" or question if my doctor did anything with my stomach at all.    — Marcitia Z. (posted on August 25, 2001)

August 25, 2001
As you read through you'll find different people's bodies react differently to different things. As long as you aren't able to overengorge what you're eatting I wouldn't worry about it, but I would watch it. I wouldn't go on eatting fats and sugars obviously because it could counteract your surgery, being that surgery is only a tool for weight loss, and not the weight loss solution (contrary to a lot of things that have been said in the media lately) Good luck in your journey -
   — Elizabeth D.

August 25, 2001
I am the same exact way! I am 10 days post op and have never gotten sick, never felt sick and I have to stop myself before I eat too much. My friend and I had it done together and she is the same way. I even told her that I think the Dr. got busy while he was in there and actually forgot to make my stomach smaller.. lol. I guess we will just have to "watch it" more than others. I also don't get full right away like others do. It just effects us all differently. I just measure my food right not to make sure I don't eat too much.
   — Jen S.

August 25, 2001
I have never had problems with either eating or drinking postop RNY surgery. Also, remember that during the initial stages when you are on the full liquid diet that it virtually moves quickly through your pouch and you are 'drinking' all day long. You will begin getting the 'full' sensation after you get onto real, regular food - don't expect it yet. You are fine -- some of us are blessed to be without complications and no vomiting, etc. I am nearly a year and 1/2 postop and I have not vomited at all. (knock on wood)
   — Cindy H.

August 25, 2001
I am 10 weeks post and have never thrown up. I used to wonder if something is wrong too. But I know I can't eat the quantity I used to so I know the surgery actually took place! :-) I've been nauseous 3 times. 2ce because my stomach was empty and I just felt that way from the first bite. Waiting 10 minutes and I was fine. I am on regular foods. I don't think I dump but I haven't really tested it. Be happy if you are blessed to never get sick. I am. Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

August 25, 2001
The liquid diet is a little easier on the tummy than the pureed or all food diet. You may find you get more full and do have problems with some foods as the weeks go by. However, most of those problems are temporary.
   — kcanges

August 25, 2001
I am 10 weeks post-op and from the beginning nothing has bothered me. I have not, however, tested what it will take for me to dump. There are also quite a few things that I haven't tried yet either. I consider myself very fortunate.
   — [Anonymous]

August 26, 2001
I am 1 1/2 years post op and from the first week i could have eaten anything and not gotten sick. I have never vomited or anything.I was concerned about 3 months post op when i was able to eat a whole cheeseburger. (bad bad bad i know)but somethings never change. Dr said it was ok as long as there was no pain or vomiting. I have lost 150+ and can eat just about anything i want. Although i do avoid sugar since i have a great fear of vomiting.
   — Katherine B.

January 24, 2002
I had my distal RNY on 1/9/02......I tolerated the clear liquids with no problems and the pureed foods are great so far..I've even incorporated some chunky soup into my diet and it went down I guess we are the lucky ones.
   — Lana K.

March 23, 2002
I am 18 days post-op and I have had no problems with anything I have had. I just graduated up to the pureed food yesterday and everything that I have tried so far has not been a problem. I have never had that full feeling but since I am afraid of getting sick, I measure everything that I eat. I eat very slow and take lactaid for dairy just in case. I hope that I am one of the lucky ones that I have read about. So far, so good.
   — Krystal C.

April 27, 2002
From 1 week post op I had no problem tollerating even solid foods, bread, soda or anything they tell you to stay away from. I too was worried. However I did vomit after eating then taking viatimins simply because my stomach could not hold that much at one time. I am now 7 weeks post op down 40lbs and doing well
   — lauren S.

June 14, 2002
I am 11 days post op and feeling great! My doctor has you progress to solid foods on day 3 in the hospital (!). Gentle solids, but nonetheless...anyway, my tummy has been tolerant of anything I've introduced it to so far, which really surprised me. Of course, I'm not giving it ice cream or candy or anything...but so far, so good with virtually all solid food I've eaten. Not sick once! Good luck on your journey!
   — Melissa S.

July 7, 2002
I'm 16 days post op and haven't had any problems with eating either. I thought it was weird that my stomach didn't feel any different to me. I kinda wondered if anything had been done at all to me too. Trust me, we're blessed. I'm full after a few bites of food. I worry that I don't eat enough. However I can almost eat an entire container of Yogurt! I can also eat a lot of watermelon. My doctor put me on soft foods two days out of surgery and I haven't had any problems with dumping. I eat a varied diet. I have wanted to eat meat but I haven't. Congratulations on your complication-free surgery! Latonya 16 days post-op (open RNY and down 30 lbs)
   — Latonya W.

June 5, 2003
I too am having no trouble with foods. I am only two weeks out, on purreed diet (I purree by chewing really well). I had to laugh when I read others posting about wondering if the surgeon really did the procedure. I had been wondering the same thing. I think we need to consider ourselves very fortunate as many people have serious problems with post-op food. I think the key is small bites and chew chew chew.
   — marianne J.

September 6, 2003
I will be 2 weeks post-op on this mon. 9/8/03 and I too am haaving no problems with naseau, vomiting, etc. I also wonder when I'm full sometimes. I'm branching out a little from the menu provided. I hope I'm not headed in the wrong direction with my eating.
   — Kim G.

October 2, 2003
10/2/03 I am 3 weeks postop tomorrow. I was on a liquid diet for 10 days. Now I am in pureed foods and I do not & have not had any problems with vomiting, nausea or dumping. I do consider myself very lucky, but I am also very careful about what I eat and how much I eat. I hope my luck continues and all of you out there also. Barbara Clark
   — Barbara C.

February 11, 2005
I too must be grearful beasue I do ask myself the same thing. Did he do the procedure or not. I too am very careful in the things I choose to eat because of this small gift. Two weeks post procedure and I am able to tolerate meat. Mt surgery date was Feb. 1, 2005. I choose soft foods.
   — Consuela J.

March 14, 2005
How funny! I was wondering the same things for the longest time! I wonder if the doctor even did more than put slits into my stomach for show! I haven't really had any problems with dumping minus one time, while I was in the hospital. They forced some nasty liquid into me for the stomach x-ray. I haven't thrown up yet, though. I am currently 3 1/2 weeks post-op, down 20 lbs, and have been able to eat just about everything since 2 weeks post-op. I was on liquid diet for the first two weeks. I thought one of the comments above was very funny about the pureed food (pureed by chewing) ha ha ha! That's exactly what I was doing! I've had chicken, beef, eggs, shrimp, no problem, but I am chewing my jaw off. I find that I don't even really like meat anymore(except shrimp), but I eat the stuff to get the protein in. (I hate protein shakes) I don't think I'm going to waste my time chewing down the meats anymore, I am just going to chug down the liquid protein instead. (just take it like medicine and it's not so bad) I think the only thing I have issues with is too much sugar. I find anything over 10 g of sugar makes me nauseted. But that's fine.

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