Has anyone been told that they have to get off their HRT before surgery .
My Dr. told me that I needed to get off my hormones at least 1 month before surgery due to the possibility of blood clots. — [Anonymous] (posted on June 25, 2001)
June 25, 2001
I just had my pulmonologist visit and he said I'd need to stop them at
least one week before surgery - stated hormones can mess up with the
clotting factors - may make one more prone to clots I believe. Good Luck
— Krista L. S.
June 25, 2001
Homone replacement therapy is similar to birth control pills. Both of
these can increase your risk of a blood clot. My surgeon said stop the hrt
a week before surgery. You are just doing everything possible to prevent
blood clots during/after surgery. Love and Light
— LaDawn C.
June 26, 2001
Geeze, no one told me that! I've had gender reassignment and will have to
take testerone the rest of my life. No one
said I had to stop and I've been extremely honest about my 10+ surgeries
and why. Maybe it's just estrogene that you have to stop taking???? (Don't
have that problem anymore).
Anyway, I got through the surgery without blood clots. But if they tell you
to stop them, then stop them! Maybe someone was supposed to tell me to stop
and they forgot. ???
— Danmark
August 1, 2001
I talked with the anesthesiologist yesterday and she said to ask my
surgeon. His office called this AM and said not to take it anymore before
— khelms
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