I am 2 years post-op open VBG. Does anyone have trouble with these?

I am not doing well although the weight loss has been good. I vomit after certain foods one day, then the next-same food I am fine. I am thinking of having the surgery reversed or revised. Anyone with these same troubles? [email protected] Thanks all!! Also, will insurance pay for this??    — Michael E. (posted on June 24, 2001)

June 24, 2001
I had open VBG 12/98 & initially lost 50 lbs + lots of inches. Then developed foot problems & couldn't walk. Then went back to eating sweets. Other than that, I only have burping problems, especially during the night. I find that when food gets stuck, I stand up or walk around & it will go down. Deep breaths help also.
   — [Anonymous]

June 24, 2001
I would see your doctor (or another one) and have the VBG reversed and get an RNY. The RNY is great for anyone who is hooked on sweets. If you have GERD, getting an RNY will completely rid you of that too. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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