Is this the stomach flu or something more serious?

I am 5 weeks post op open rny. I have had no problems thus far, just nauseated frequently. However, I have been running a temp of 101-102 for the past three days. I am so nauseous, I can't attempt to put anything in my mouth. I feel better when I lie still, but get nauseous again when I get up. I called my surgeon 3 days ago, they don't think it's anything related to the surgery-my incision looks great, I'm still having small bowel movements, I can keep liquids down without a problem. But, I'm starting to get worried-it's probably the stomach flu but it's hard to tell since my stomach isn't the same as it used to be. Help!    — Brenda H. (posted on June 10, 2001)

June 10, 2001
Your doctor's lack of concern makes me wonder. One of the things they want us to report to them is a temperature over 100. It could mean you have a mild infection someplace. Especially since you are unable to eat. I'd put more pressure on him to check you out or find someone who will.
   — Sherry M.

June 10, 2001
If you can keep liquids down without any problem, I would doubt it is stomach flu. With a stomach virus, almost EVERYTHING is "rejected." It is possible that you have something partially blocking your stoma; small enough to allow liquid to pass, but too big to let food through. You should talk with your doctor again.
   — BethVBG

October 22, 2002
I am about 5 weeks post op & I had the same exact thing only my Dr. had me go to the ER and they did some blood work, ran an IV & took x-rays to make sure everything was ok. Turns out it was just a virus so they gave me something for the nausea & sent me home. I was alot better the next day. Hope you feel better soon
   — Linda G.

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