What can be done to avoid Ventral Hernias?

I have a young daughter I can assume right after surgery I should not lift her but for how long? What should be done to reduce the chance of getting a hernia after surgery?    — blank first name B. (posted on May 18, 2001)

May 18, 2001
I have a 20-month old granddaughter and asked the same question of my surgeon. He stressed 6 weeks of lifting nothing more than 10 pounds after my open RNY. She is able to climb up in my lap and when she falls or gets a boo-boo, I get down on the floor to hug and kiss the boo-boo and cuddle her until she feels better. It's hard not picking her up but I'm trying NOT to break the rules. GOOD LUCK!
   — Anika R.

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