Help! I can't get any sleep with my restless legs!

I am only 6 days post op (rny) but am not able to sleep at all due to my restleg leg syndrome. I have been on Permax for quite some time which had helped some but the jerks, shakes and jitters are uncontrollable right now? Does anyone else have this problem or suggestions what to do? I am so exhausted and t ired.    — Brenda H. (posted on May 6, 2001)

May 6, 2001
Hi, I too have restless leg syndrome, and I am taking Klonopin 1 mg at bed time. It has helped and the doctor said he could raise to 1.5 if I continued having trouble. However I am pre-op and I am not sure if this can be taken after surgery. The adverse reactions include gastritis,constipation, change in appetite, anorexia or diarrhea. I have not had ANY of the symptoms. Also this is in the benzodiazepine, so if you have any allergy to that you would not be able to take it. I would suggest you ask your doctor. Hope this helps. Keep me posted.
   — Helen C.

May 6, 2001
I am 5 months post op and have had RLS for years. I am on xanax right now for it, but my doctor is getting ready to switch me to klonopin. One thing I have found is that taking over the counter sleep aids make the symtoms WORSE. Good Luck with this and find a new PCP if they don't take you seriously.
   — Robin Q.

May 6, 2001
I have been taking quinine for restless leg for about 2 years and it has it totally under control. I am 5 weeks post op and have not needed it for about 2 weks now.
   — smummert

May 6, 2001
I've had restless legs for a while now and Have been taking Klonopin for the past 6 mo. It has helped. But when I hurt, like joint pain etc. it gets worse. My husband says I do leg drops. Unfortunately he gets dropped upon sometimes. I thought this was part of my sleep apnea. It didn't change after I got the C-pap, Now I'm hoping all this will all go away after I've had the surgery.
   — Sue H.

May 6, 2001
Watch that quinine, I tried it for my legs and it made me ears ring real bad after two days. Legs were quiet, but couldn't hear a thing for about three days after I figured out what was causing it and quit taking it.
   — buhret

May 6, 2001
Hi - I have had RLS for about two years now. I suffered in agony for about 18 months of the two years, then I decided I was NOT psychotic, and talked to my PCP about it. I tried Klonopin, but unfortunately, it didn't do me any good. What HAS worked for me is Darvon - a prescription muscle relaxant. I take 120 mgs. of Darvon every night, and I sleep like a baby. The only time I still experience any symptoms of RLS is when I fly. For some reason, being forced to sit in a tiny seat on a hot plane for hours makes my legs ache and jump like mad (hmmm, I wonder why?) I'm flying cross-country in two weeks, and I plan to medicate myself for the entire flight ;)
   — webgrrlie

May 7, 2001
05/06/01 I too have RLS and went to a neurolgist. He put me on Requip and it works great...It's a medication for Parkinsons diease but helps RLS also. Another physican suggest I try Klonpin, but it didn't work for me.. I stand on my feet all day as a hairdresser and have for 40years. Probably more years then most of you are old! Ha Anyway it really stopped the symptions the first evening. I am worried about being able to take this medication after surgery...I can't stand to go without it...Don't know about swallowing the pills...I take 2 three times a day. Have talked to my friend who is a pharmis. and she is seeing about liquid form. My concern with that is they suspend it in a sweet liquid, like for extra suger or calories needed, please...
   — Lonna G.

May 7, 2001
I've had RLS for years. I was changed to Mirapex a few months ago (for Parkinson's but works great). They are tiny pills and I HAD to start taking them again after surgery. I crushed them and luckily they didn't taste bad. At 2 weeks post op I just took the pills and had no problem. Klonapin and Xanax are benzodiazopines (like Valium) and Darvon is a narcotic so they are totally different drugs from Mirapex. Ask your doctor about it and if he doesn't know anything, go to a sleep specialist. Sometimes taking a really hot bath will help. I wish you luck, I know that is the worst feeling!!
   — Yvonne McCarthy

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