Does the weight loss aid in fertility issues??

My sister is 30yr old, 285lb 5'7" and has been obese since childhood. She has had problems with her menstral cycle since its onset and has never really had a normal cycle. She has tried fertility shots and much more with no success. I'm wondering if the weight loss from the surgery will possibile help with her fertility issue.    — Sonia N. (posted on March 10, 2001)

March 10, 2001
Sonia, I am 47 years old and since I started getting my period I have been irregular. Once or twice a year is all I would get it. Since my surgery in October of 2000 I have got my period every month. I asked my surgeon about this and he said it was the change in my hormones. He said to be careful because I would be very fertile. Helen
   — Helen C.

March 10, 2001
PLEASE don't take this wrong..! When I had some breeding mares I read in a journal that overweight female (mares) did not conceive easily. That the best way to get them to conceive was to cut their feed and have them begin to lose weight. I tried it with one of my mares that would never catch and boom! she was pregnant. I don't believe our reporductive systems are so different (same function) so weight loss would probably do the trick as long as there is no physical problem (such as not producing viable eggs). I don't have kids so I can only give you anecdotal evidence. Best of luck to your sister, I hope she knows what a nice sis she has!
   — Lynn E.

March 13, 2002
I am 38 years old. I have had problems with my cycle since having them. For the last 10 years I would not have a period. I too dont ovulate. When getting married I wanted to give my husband a child so bad. We went to specialists and both my tubes were blocked, and again I did not ovulate. Had surgery and they could only unblock one of my tubes. Still after all the shots and stuff, we were unable to have a child. We adopted 2 boys..... I am 8 months post op and down 90 lbs. My surgery was July 10th of 2001. Every since I had surgery I have had a period. You talk about so strange and so wonderful. I am hoping that it is true that you become more fertile...I would love to give my husband a child. But if it doesnot happen I am just happy I am having my cycle. I feel so much better. Now mind you that it does not come every 28 days its more like 30-35 I am sure there are issues still but I am having them
   — Melody N.

March 13, 2002
My daughter was recently diagnosed with PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome, so I am suddenly doing a lot of research on this issue. There is an almost inseparable link between obesity and PCOS, although no one is sure which has the causal effect. What they do know, is that with weight loss, many of the PCOS symptoms (infertility and irregular menstruation being among them) are reduced or "cured" completely. If your sister is diagnosed with PCOS, then weight loss may indeed result in some improvement. -Kate-
   — kateseidel

March 13, 2002
I have PCOS. I both had trouble getting pregnant and if I did manage to get pregnant, couldn't make enough progesterone to carry to term. The only times I could get pregnant were the times I went on a diet and lost 25 lbs (only to regain the weight when I would miscarry). I went through 2 years of total infertility until I tried Phen-Fen. Clomid did nothing for me but everytime I went on Phen-Fen and dropped a few pounds I would have to go off of it because I'd get pregnant.<p>I did manage to carry one pregnancy to term with a lot of medical intervention. I am hoping that once I loose the weight and can try again that I can have another baby. I am only 55 lbs down but I can already tell a significant difference in my cycles. I believe that I am ovulating again and for the first time in my life actively trying NOT to get pregnant. Let me tell you after all I've been through THAT is a novel idea!
   — Barbi B.

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