Can you eat salads?

I am 2 months post op now. When can I eat salad and if you are out to eat what kind of dressing is good? Anything low fat and sugar free?    — michelle M. (posted on September 8, 2000)

September 8, 2000
You didn't say what type of surgery you had, but I had RnY and I couldn't eat salad for almost a year. It was just too much roughage I guess and while it didn't cause dumping it did cause diarrhea. Of course, your mileage may vary! If you want low fat/sugar free dressings try good ol' olive oil and red wine vinegar or just some lemon juice. Good luck!
   — Roseann M.

September 8, 2000
This seems to be more of a trial-and-error thing. I started eating raw fruits and veggies at one month post op and have had no problems with it after my RNY surgery. I can use any dressing out there. Sometimes I use regular Ranch, sometimes "Lite Done Right" Ranch. Love eating salads!
   — Cindy H.

September 8, 2000
It took me two years to be able to eat salad ... but I know others that were eating it in 6 months. We are all different! Good Luck M
   — Mary Anne M.

September 8, 2000
Hi there! I am 6 weeks post op and was told I could try raw veggies. I ate a salad and chewed very well and it went down great! I really liked robusto italian dressing because it taste so flavorful after eating bland food for so long...I am now eating salads for lunch everyday, YUMMY! Just take it one veggie at a make sure you tolerate it all! Good Luck!

September 8, 2000
I'm 6 weeks out and had a small salad (about 1/4 c. with romain, radicchio, cukes, red pepper, green onions and chick peas) last week with no problem - of course I chewed it to a pulp. I used Paul Newman's vinegar and olive oil dressing since alot of low fat dressings are also high in corn syrup and I just do not like the taste. Balsamic, rice wine and flavored vinegars are great with no oil. The great thing about vinegar and oil dressings is that you probably won't use as much as a creamy dressing, and a great deal remains on the plate rather than in you mouth because it doesn't stick to the veggies as well as a creamy dressing does. If the rest of the meal is relatively low in fat, I wouldn't worry about limiting V/O dressings.
   — Allie B.

September 8, 2000
I am 20 weeks post and all i eat is salads and vegetables. I can eat some fruit but i find that it gose right through you.I use vineger,olive oil, pepper and some lemon for dressing.
   — DONNA M.

September 8, 2000
I eat salads (and raw veggies) just about every day for lunch. I've been doing so since 6 weeks out. I'm now 4 months post-op. Haven't had a problem yet. I agree with Barb on the dressing. You'll use so little of it that it's not so important what kind you get. Just get the kind you like. Like with just about every aspect of WLS, some people may have problems and some may not. Just go slowly when testing new foods and you should be fine.
   — Maxine E.

February 22, 2002
I am just over 5 weeks post op and have been eating salads for about 1 week now. They go down very smoothly provided that you chew very well! I also make sure to remove the rind from the cucumbers- that seems to be too rough. I usually use a low-fat italian and add a little salt and pepper. Enjoy!
   — Michelle I.

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