Have long-term WLS patients found their quality of life to truly be enhanced?

I understand that WLS is the most effective and permanent way to lose weight, however, I am concerned if my quality of life will improve significantly. Are there just other problems to deal with instead of being overweight, for example, inability to tolerate foods, malnutrition, decreased energy, bowel problems, etc.? I truly am miserable at my current weight and lifestyle< I just want to make sure this is the right decision.    — Brenda H. (posted on June 6, 2000)

June 6, 2000
Brenda, Most of the concerns about long term after a WLS are really short term problems. The inability to tolerate certain foods, usually for the most part, goes away as your new stomach heals. I am 5 months postop and I can tolerate just about anything, but somethings do bother me. However, somethings that bothered me a month ago, don't now. It was just a matter of my body adjusting to different foods. Bowels problems don't exist after a few weeks (except in a few people, and depending on which kind of surgery), and energy comes back as the weight comes off!!! If course, there are a few people that do develope post op problems, but the majority don't. Surgery affects everybody differently, so there is no guarantee, but I would do it in a heartbeat again if I had to and I am only down 61 lbs. (Still have about 90 lbs. left to get to goal)
   — M B.

June 7, 2000
I can tell you with absolutely no doubts or regrets that my quality of life for myself and all those around me (family & husband) has changed for the 100% better.. This is a life changing event and was my salvation.. I'm 6 months post-op as of tomorrow and I have the freedom of choice of all foods.. I have learned a lot from my surgery it gave me the tool and taught me the trade to continue the weight loss and maintain it throughout the rest of my life.. The reversal of all my co-morbidity's alone improved my quality of life and added MANY YEARS to my life.. For that I will be forever grateful... <p> Please visit my profile page for more information, links and recipes. Life is wonderful and I'm living it to the fullest now...
   — Victoria B.

June 7, 2000
I agree with Ava Lee whole heartly. Everything she said I felt. I am now eight weeks post op and nothing triggers me to eat uncontrollably. In fact seeing food adversized on TV makes me literally sick. The other day they had snack day on my job. Some of my co-workers were teasing me about not being able to eat what they had. I told them while I am shrinking they will be getting larger. Sometimes I think if I could have loss this weight on my own and realized I couldn't have. I would say that the quality of my life is much better. I am beginning to feel good about myself and who I am. My size is not a major factor in my life anymore.
   — Sharon T.

June 7, 2000
In a word, YES! Before surgery, I, like you, was miserable. I could barely get out of bed and lived on carbs & sweets. In a drastic change, I am active, do a daily exercise routine everyday and for the first time in years, I am HAPPY, and EXCITED about life and my future. Please stop by my website and read all about my journey. You can read my weight loss journal and my Frequently Asked Question page. <p><a href=""></a></p><br>My quality of life is so enhanced, with the procedure I had, I was eating filet mignon two weeks after surgery..No problem with food intolerance there LOL! Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 7, 2000
It's been almost 6 yrs for me. I had severe sleep apnea, asthma, 2 diabetic parents, could not walk across my own tiny kitchen. Today, weigh 112 mostly and am very active with the grandson I lived to see. No lung problems and no hint that I ever had them. No diabetes still lurking there for me. I have a very extreme distal, so my life is built on taking enough supplements IN, but I never have to worry about what to leave OUT of me (except milk & sugar). All those years, counting this & that, not eating whole food groups and now, I eat whatever I want, since I meet my nutritional needs with supplements. I don't miss milk & sugar except as a convenience, but I always was a fast food junkie. To an outsider, it may seem more complicated to have to be sure to get my supps in, but to me, it was way easier than KNOWING I wasn't getting enough, because I lived for 7 years on salads. Not much protein in lettuce! This is just such a much easier way to stay healthy. And being thin is justy a side benefit!
   — vitalady

June 8, 2000
Nothing is for certain but MY experience has been great. My life is truly enhanced. I had the surgery VBG 3 years ago. I suffer no side effects and am eating healthy. I would do it again for sure. Good Luck.
   — Cindy G.

June 18, 2000

   — Victoria B.

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