How is it possible to eat this much.

I had the RNY surgery 9/15/98 and have lost 146 pounds, I now weigh 160. I love it, but I am getting really scared. I do not want to gain the weight (any of it) back and I think that I will be doing that the way I can eat now. I still eat at least half of what I could before, but I am eating a lot more than I was told I ever could. They say a cup to a cup and a half. I can eat two cups, sometimes. And I seem to be hungry all the time, I can't wait till I can eat again sometimes. Sounds familiar, like when I weighed over 300 pounds. Any suggestions for me. Also, sugar only sometimes makes me have a reaction to it, but not always. Do others have this same situation?    — Jennifer M. (posted on January 25, 2000)

January 25, 2000
My doctor said this would happen usually about 8 months to a year post op. Now is the time you really have to USE your tool. It is not a cure. You have to count calories. My doc wants me to stay around 1500 a day and I can with my tool. and not hard doing it. CathyD BMI 26.2 Stanwood, WA 1/29/99 390 lbs 1/24/00 198 lbs Dr. James WEBer Seattle, WA (Where it is so wet Everyone has WEBbed feet and the Ducks march to the beat of a happy drum)
   — Cathy D.

January 26, 2000
I really have to add my two bits here. I'm in just about the same 8 month time frame and experiencing the same stuff...more food, more hunger, LOTS of fear etc. I just figure that the free ride is over and from here on in I will have to be even more careful. I have actually been fairly careful all along but the thing is I didn't much WANT "bad" or fattening things before. Now I am tempted alot. I still can't eat too much at a sitting but I'm hungry again pretty fast and I don't seem to have the "dumping syndrome" anymore...if I ever did. I can eat fairly sweet cookies or breads (I try not to!) and sweet mixed drinks (once or twice over the holidays-I shouldn't but I did a couple times)and one day at the movies I had a big handful of sweet and sour patch kids and never even felt a twinge of discomfort. Now every time I go to a movie I look at them like they are the last food on earth and CRAVE more...ya know? But it'll pass. I'm never going back where I was and I'll just have to get a grip on my re-emerging sweet tooth. There are lots of other things I can do to help myself settle into a balanced place. Like for a long while I didn't worry much about fried foods cause I ate so little of anything it didn't seem to matter... but now I am staying away from them altogether. That's not so hard. It was nice while it lasted. Two months ago I wouldn't have given sweets a second look. Went all through Halloween and the holidays with no chocolate angst for the first time in my life. At the very end of the holidays I could tell things were changing and my slowing weight loss confirmed it. Now I'm on plateau city and the remaining 25 or 30 pounds I'd like to loose will be much harder I can see. But it's still well worth it all. Even with the temptations I experience now it's way easier than before and the 100 pound head start was a miracle. I truly believe that the folks who see the tool aspect of this surgery have the best chance for long term success. My challenge now is to stay with those "tool people" and learn to perfect my own balanced lifestyle. Wish me luck! And I do the same for all of you. CarolASig@aol
   — Carol M.

January 26, 2000
I had my surgery on 08/18/99, and now finding that I can eat more too. I think thats normal, after a few months, your stomach heals. I guess you just have to see if you are still losing weight...And if your not, then evaluate why like keep track of your calories, and start exercising more
   — Krista C.

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