Anyone want to form a support group?

I had my open gastric bypass August 18, 1999. I am looking for people who are in the Northern Virginia area (Prince William County, Fairfax, or nearby), to form a support group. I am in Woodbridge, VA, but had my surgery done in Richmond. I don't have time to drive up to Richmond once a month because of work, and would love to form a local support group. Maybe we could meet at someones house, or at a coffee shop, or something. If anyone is interested, please email me. [email protected]    — Krista C. (posted on October 6, 1999)

February 2, 2000
There is a Dr. Anez in the Woodbridge area who performs this surgery and also has a support group. I don't have his Woodbridge office number, but you can call his Fair Oaks office and maybe they can give you more information on the support group in Woodbridge. Good luck!!
   — elizabeth C.

February 2, 2000
Oops! I forgot to give you the number. It is 703-860-8101.
   — elizabeth C.

February 28, 2000
Although years have passed, when I had my surgery in '96 & had trouble traveling to Richmond for meetings from Prince Wm. Co., I called Dr. Anez's office & at that time was told the support group was not for patients of other physicians. Has that changed?
   — Sarah V.

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