I had a full hysterectomy - 1/95. Are there any concerns that I should not have RNY?

   — Valerie J. (posted on August 15, 1999)

August 15, 1999
I had a radical hysterectomy in 1/96 due to cancer and I came through my surgery on 5/11/99 with flying colors. You should check with your doctor first, but my doctor didn't have a problem with it.
   — Shanon M.

August 15, 1999
Him I had a partial hysterectomy in 1985 (with open abdominal incision) and had laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass last year. The doctors can be more hesitant to perform the surgery via lap if you have had previous abdominal surgeries. The biggest risk is running into adhesions or scar tissue.
   — Jennifer L.

August 15, 1999
I had my hysterectomy in 1982, and I had no problems. My doctor had no concerns. So I would say that there should be no problem. Good luck. Hugs, Edie [email protected] Open RNY Starting weight 369lb, BMI 67 8/13/99 341lb, BMI 64.5, 28lb lost Surgery Date: July 27, 1999 Dr. Baker/Little Rock, Arkansas "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart." Helen Keller
   — Edie L.

August 16, 1999
I had a full hystie 1981. Distal gastric bypass (Tacoma, WA) 1994. The only difference is that when my husband catches me, I'm thoroughly SAFE! Of course, now that I CAN run, I don't! I'm quite fond of him.
   — vitalady

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