Protein shakes make me very ill. What can I do? Feeling weak and losing hair Help!!!!

   — deidre (posted on July 4, 2005)

July 4, 2005
Try making the shakes with Carb Countdown Milk. Not the best option but it might make them more palatable.
   — SJP

July 4, 2005
Certain protien shakes make me ill, not sure why, the best I found that I can handle is Carb Solutions powder mix. The premade as most make me sick. Atkins protein powder shake, I can handle with decaf coffee. This is how I get my exra protein in. There are many brands you can try.
   — dee145

July 4, 2005
I am having the same problem. I just ordered a form of seaweed which is in a capsule form. It claims to have all the trace minerals, vitamins, and protienwe require. I dont know the amounts of protien in the seaweed but it is all naturual. I will reiceve it next week fed ex. I can tell you more about it once I recive it. I am hving trouble with eating or drinking so I hope this helps me. Everything hurts my new stomache. E- mail me. Terri E.
   — Terri E.

July 4, 2005
I eat lots of cheese. It goes down well and high in protein. Hard boiled eggs also. I never did do the shakes.
   — LuAnn B.

July 5, 2005
Hey, I am not sure about where you live? but, the best protein poweder is by Champion & it is Whey protein & very good. You mis with water & it mixes very easy. It is a very big container and about $35 a container, but it is the best tasting stuff out there. I get mine at a vitamin store, that caries a lot of stuf for Weight lifters, but this is really good. All the others i tried were yucky tasting & made me sick as well. Hope you can find one that works for you. Try also cutting them down to half scoops at first till your system can get use to them.. Are you mixing with water or Milk. It may be the milk thats making you sick & not the powder.
   — Marilyn C.

July 5, 2005
I never could do the protein shakes. I did some liquid protein from SciFit that went pretty well. I did hard boiled eggs, lots of cheeses, a handful of nuts every once in a while, but the thing that saved me was shrimp, crab and whitefish.
   — Cathy S.

July 5, 2005
How much have you experimented? If I drink one blended with milk I feel sick, so I blend a whey protein mix with sugar-free Instant Breakfast, and do fine on that - 3 times a day to prevent hair loss.
   — Kathleen W.

July 5, 2005
Deidre, you are only a few months post-op and protein shakes often take time to get used to. Most newbies cannot "stomach" the taste of the shakes, so experimentation is in order. I would suggest you try Isopure protein drinks, the ones that come in 20 oz glass bottles and look like koolaid. When i was at your stage and earlier, I also could not stomach any type of shakes, however, the koolaid types, once I cut them in 1/2 with water, and put over ice, I could sip all day. I found them at the Vitamin Shoppe , however, I'm sure you can find them in your area. Once your further out, experiment with shakes. I made a delish combination of shakes. I take unflavored protein powders (MAKE sure it is whey protein isolate as that is the most easily digestable to our new systems), mix with water and ice, sweetener, fresh or frozen fruit and sometimes non-fat flavored yogurts. Its yum. Isopure also has the cannisters of protein powder that have no sugar, no fat, and is 100 percent whey protein isolate. My fav shake has all the ingredients above with bluberries, 1/2 banana, and strawberries. You can also buy sugar free syrups to toss in too. Use your imagination. As for the loss of hair, no amount of protein intake at this stage will prevent hair loss. It happens to most of us between 3 months and 6 months post op and will eventually slow and stop-no one goes bald. I would suggest working with your hairdresser for a short and cute doo that will hide the loss. My hairdresser did this for me and I got a ton of compliments for my new hair which surprised me as I was a longer haired person, and I have kept it short ever since-am over 3 years post op now.
   — Cindy R.

July 5, 2005
Try Liquid Protein from GNC. It's punch flavored and I mix it with either Crystal Lite, or Sugar-Free Jell-O.
   — traci914

July 5, 2005
Let me say this loud and clear: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIET WITH PROTEIN POWDERS. It does make life easier if you can though!!! There are several options- FIrst- figure out what kind of protein is making you sick- is it Whey or Soy? Then try the other kind. See if that helps. Make you own homemade protein drink with carb countown milk and add Carnation Instant Breakfast NSA. Make a milk shake type concoction with milk (carb countdown is great because is has more protein to start with) and add POWDERED MILK to up the protein count toss it in the blender with ice and some fruit of your choice, maybe some splenda or equal- and BAM- a smoothie! You can try protein bars to supplement your food intake or you can make sure your snacks are protein based like cheese or yogurt or nuts. Hope some of this helps. This advice comes from someone who could never stand any shakes- whey or soy! So- I know how you feel. Hang in there it's just a bit more work!

July 5, 2005
Flax seed oil and Biotin pills help with hair loss.
   — Heather T.

July 5, 2005
Flax seed oil and Biotin pills help with hair loss.
   — Heather T.

July 5, 2005
I know what you mean. I traded mine in on protein soups: tomato, chicken and beef and a box of protein bars: caramel with nuts, reminds you of a snickers bar. I use Protidiet proteins. There are alternatives to the drinks hon. Each one has 15 grams of protein and you usually do those 3 times a day. email if you need to [email protected]
   — Angelfirewithwings

July 5, 2005
I understand your problem with protein drinks. My husband would put mine in 1 ounce medicine cups and put them in the refrigerater and make me down one like a shot every half hour. I took Pro55, which is an unflavered protein and blended it with 1 Atkins protein shake. With that, I only had to drink 1 shake a day as that is a total of 65 grams of proteins. I didn't loose any hair. Also, you are far enough out (2 months) that you should be able to eat some foods. Just take small bits and chew well. Chicken and Turkey have the better protein and most people have better luck with them. Put them in a chopper and add broth or Mayo so it isn't so dry. Do the same with Tuna or Ham. You can get through this, I promise you. If you continue to vomit allot, contact your surgeon. You could have a stricture. It is an easy fix and makes life better after getting it fixed. Good Luck Girl and hang in there. It gets better, I went from sz 26 to 10 (some 8's) in 14-15 months. I am 17 moinths out now and feel great! I can eat anything as your pouch matures with time. I choose not to eat anything, but I can!
   — jk_harris

July 6, 2005
What was the date of your surgery & what kind (Lap/open -RNY? Lapband?)? Have you talked with a nurse or nutritionist on staff at your surgeon's office? Try mixing the protein powder in less water so it'll become like a pudding. Try different kinds of protein: you may not tolerate soy as a source, for example. My mantra in the first 3-4 weeks of ichy sweet protein drinks was: "This, too, shall pass!" All the best! Lauralyn
   — EmbodySuccess

July 6, 2005
I was nauseated for the first four months after my surgery. I didn't throw up -just felt sick all the time. I couldn't stomach any protein powder of any kind. After the four months I was able to experiment. It was awful until I found a Web sight by Weider. I buy Super Whey, Smooth chocolate. I put in three scoups of the powder to get in more protein.I add 2% milk and ice and vlend it in the blender. It is good. every one has different taste. I wish you luck.
   — dizzy

July 7, 2005
Ok, Let me add my two cents worth. I am 17 months out, am at goal. Have come from a size 22 down to a size 6 and some 4's. I use Problend 55 Protein Powder(Chocolate) mixed with Carb Countdown(Chocolate) and crushed ice. Put it all in a blender til it is like a malted milk shake and drink it as if it were a milk shake. UmmmmUmmm Good, even my grandchildren love it. They think it is a real treat and it is good for them too, So I don't hesitate to make one for them when I make mine. Sometimes I will add a small piece of banana to change the taste and texture. Plus the banana gives me extra potassium that our bodies need. Your hair will stop falling out after about 4 to 6 months and trust me, when it starts growing back in it will be thicker and come back with a bit of wave or curl. I got mine cut short and Love it!
   — cindirella

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