is there an over production of an enzyme or hormone with obesse people

is this enzyme or hormone not able to be controlled to keep from making us hungry all the time, if it does exist    — williampechal (posted on June 24, 2005)

June 23, 2005
There are a variety that appear related to hunger, and yes they change after surgery. One is Grehlein SP? In any case its being studied. Once your MO nearly NO ONE EVER loses a 100 pounds or more and keeps it off 5 years. My surgeon says a norema sized persons stomach is the size of their fist. A MO the size of your head. its never full, and causes continious hunger:( This does decrease dramatically after WLS
   — bob-haller

July 1, 2005
The lower portion of the 'normal' stomach secretes a hormone called grhelin, whihc is responsible for most of our sensations of hunger. In the RNY, this part of the stomach is closed off into a 'blind pouch'---it no longer contacts food, but it continues to produce hormones. In the DS, this portion of the stomach is COMPLETELY REMOVED from the body, eliminating its' hormones as well. Yhis generally results in a huge, PERMANENT reducetion int he patient's sensation of hunger.
   — MsBatt

July 1, 2005
The RNY is well known for changing hormones, and the falling levels are highly related to decreased hunger.
   — bob-haller

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