Did anyone have this prior to surgery and have IBS

I am 50+ and my husband is concerned that it will get worse. I am hoping it will get better    — ET (posted on April 19, 2005)

April 20, 2005
I have irritable bowel disease (colitis and diverticulosis), slightly different than IBS because the doctors can pin point exactly what causes the problem with my bowel, but for me mine got much better. Your surgeon may require yoou to see a gastro doctor for clearance before surgery, mine did.
   — ChristineB

April 20, 2005
I developed IBS after the surgery (open RNY-proximal) and still suffer with it almost 3 years later. It is terrible. For awhile, they even thought that I had Chron's desease. I have undergone a lot of tests and procedures like Colonoscopies. NO FUN. It is still just IBS...and not much they can do for it. My internist put me on Bentyl tablets. They help somewhat...but I am still running to the bathroom frequently and that is no fun when you are in public places or in the car. :( I figure this is just something I will deal with forever, but I pray it gets better. Good Luck to you.
   — Jane S.

April 20, 2005
I had trouble with IBS before surgery. Since I have lost the weight, the diarrhea is gone and I have normal stools. I can't believe the difference. I used to use metamucil at night to control the diarrhea and watched my veggie intake. Hope this helps. Mona
   — monymony

April 20, 2005
Thanks to all of you for your insight. I am hoping it gets better. I already know what "dumping " is like and I hope that and all the fiber can go away post op.
   — ET

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