Can anyone recommend a vitamin

   — yvonne1953 (posted on March 3, 2005)

March 3, 2005
Vista Vitamins are formulated for GBS!!! Hope this helps.

March 3, 2005
Vista Vitamins
   — Jazzy

March 4, 2005
I take Centrum Multivitiam a - z, when I was first post-op I used the Centrum chewable, then at about 3 months post-op I started taking the Centrum A - Z. My blood draws have always been in the normal range using Centrum.
   — cindy

March 4, 2005
I take adult centrum chewable. My pharmacist told me that is is better absorbed that swallowing the large pill after bypass surgery. Whether this true or not I do not know. I just do it because I hope to get the full benefits from it. melinda mills
   — taterbug898

March 5, 2005
Flintstone kid's vitamins. Twice a day. Once in the a.m. and then another in the p.m. Tastes good and no tummy problems.
   — Mary J.

March 6, 2005
Try the Bariatric Advantage. They are sugar free, chewable, taste reasonably well (the chocolate Calcium Citrate are actually good when you are craving something sweet, and specifically designed for post gastric by pass and DS patients. Do a google search using Bariatric Advantae. Easy to order by phone or off the internet.
   — Margaret S.

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