Pre op nerves, my surgery was just moved up 2 weeks.

I am so scared and nervous, I am actually thinking of cancelling my surgery. Has anyone else felt like this? If so what did you do? I know I need this to to live a happy healthly life with my kids and my family. That is my biggest fear. Leaving my kids with out there mother. I know the risks... I have hard prior abdominal surgeries, but this is different I am terrified... Please help.    — Natalie J. (posted on May 12, 2004)

May 12, 2004
Everyone is scared at the thought of surgery. You have to think positively. Having the operation will give you more time with your family in the long run. Stay positive and pray. I will be praying for you too.
   — Mandy L.

May 12, 2004
Wow! I can really relate! I am really close to getting a surgery date and I am so scared. At first, all I could think of was how great it would be, now all I think of is what my husband and 5 yr. old son will do if I am gone. It's almost as if I am expecting to die! I think this is normal. I thought about forgetting the whole thing too. I kept thinking, "what if this is my 6th sense trying to tell me something". But I think I am passed that. I am so miserable the way that I am. You just have to think positive. Think about your future and the things you will do with your kids when you lose the weight! What keeps me going is to window shop in the "normal sizes" and think how nice it will be to wear those clothes some day soon!! I hope this helps! It helped me to read your question and to know that someone feels the same as I do! lots of luck
   — jennifer S.

May 12, 2004
Natalie I was not only afraid I was terrified, I was filled with anxiety and even dreamed I died 2 days prior to surgery. Also, my surgery was cancelled a few times. But it was my decision and I figured if I did not do something about my obesity I was going definitely going to die or live in poor health - I had the surgery, and only wish I had done it sooner. All your fears are normal, call upon your beliefs and whatever your faith and make your final decision. Best to stay away from negative people and thoughts until after your recovery.
   — Anna M.

May 12, 2004
Hi there. I have only 3 weeks til my surgery and I can relate some! I know we want to have WLS to IMPROVE our quality and length of life. Pretty great goals to have. It is a big change and a committment. I have made several pro and con lists and ultimately every time it still comes out that WLS is the way to go for me. Even the "negatives" are actually postitives. Like giving up junk food - well, in the light of health, giving up junk food is a real positive! Take a good look at the reasons you have considered the surgery and what you hope to get out of it. Then weigh it against the alternatives. Also, I know I try to never make a decision based on my fears. Fears are often just major distractions that can lead you astray. Take an honest assessment of each idea that comes into your head. I see all this as a positive that now I know that I have really exhausted all my questions and still come up knowing it is what I should do. If you have faith, PRAY and ask for peace and reassurance in your heart for the direction you should go. God is faithful. God bless you and hope you have peace in your decision! Athena
   — minerva

May 12, 2004
Hello there. I am having my surgeryon Monday, May 17th. I have two young childre and yes, I think everyone goes through the same thoughts youare having. I know I was. I think you have to try really hard (and I know it's hard) to think of all the positive things this will bring to your life. Remember the reasons you are doing this and stay focused on teh positive side of things. I have never had surgery before, so the thought of "going under" scares me BUT I am letting the thought of how I will feel and look better and BE healthier take over. Good Luck to you and God Bless! Sherry
   — sac287

May 12, 2004
We would worry about you if you didn't have some fears. I was able to work through mine with the help of a therapist that also helped me prepare for the surgery in other ways. You say you know the risk stop looking at the complication numbers like you are and yes 2% mortality but a 98% chance you will like a fit and healthy life. I can say from experience I am 3 months post op and am off of all diabetes medicines. Exercise more than ever and feel great. Yes my big fear was leaving my son without a mother but my bigger fear was I would die before he would graduate from high school. Just take a deep breath and turn all those numbers around to the positive and it will help you to see a great future and I was so comfortable with my surgeon and his abilities that I knew that God had led me to him. God Bless You and you will do well......Nancy
   — nefish

May 13, 2004
Don't cancel it!!!! Remember how hard it is for us to get approved for surgery to begin with. I'm wondering if you back out and then changed your mind again if the insurance company would try to pull something on you. Remember that everyone is nervous to be going in to the hospital. EVERYONE! You're going to do great and trust me, you'll be so much happier after a few days when the weight starts coming off. Do this for you and your health. Take care, Kimberly (6 mos post op Lap-RNY; now a happy 165lbs!)
   — Kimberly S.

May 14, 2004
Please keep the faith!!! God will give you the strenth if you let him!!! This is not only for you but the entire family. I too had the same fear being a single mom of two wonderful children. I almost gave in the morning of surgery. Just remember why you are doing this it is to be healthier and be hear longer with your family!!! It is all worth the 2 hour sacrafice. It is always scary when you under go anesthia because like me everyone does not like to not have control. But have faith in the abilities of your surgeon as he can assist you in being around longer with your family. This has really given me a NEW LEASE ON LIFE!! I NOW CAN DO ANYTHING I DESIRE. IT WAS THE BEST THING I EVER DID FOR MYSELF. REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR SELF HAPPY BEFORE YOU CAN MAKE ANYONE ELSE HAPPY!! YOU DESERVE THIS CHANCE PLEASE JUST PRAY ON IT AND YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!

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