I was just notified today that if I lose 3 pounds by May 5th that they

will move my surgery up two weeks. I really would like to have the surgery sooner. Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas. I have been watching what I have been eating because my DR. has a pre-op requirement anyway. any ideas would be great...... Thanks for all of the support.    — Natalie J. (posted on May 3, 2004)

May 3, 2004
Exercise an hour each day, eat no carbohydrates and drink only water (no caffeine). Also, wear very light clothes to weigh in (no jeans) and get a haircut. He He He.
   — mrsmyranow

May 3, 2004
try going on a liquid diet for 3 days. you'll be on one for a few days after the surgery, anyway, so you know it won't kill you. try 2 Protiend shakes a day, at least 64 oz. of water, and as much sugar free jello as you can eat. that should give you a kick start, then add tuna salad and or another form of protein food for the next few days. you'll take off three pounds in a heartbeat! good luck and i'll send posititve vibes your way!
   — glblgal

May 3, 2004
Go on a liquid diet until the afternoon before weigh-in. THEN go buy a bottle of mag-citrate from a drugstore and drink the entire bottle. I would suggest you drink it about 1pm. Then don't drink anything after 9pm. You will lose AT LEAST 3 pounds. all water weight... :-) Have fun
   — SJP

May 3, 2004
I hope you find the way if this is the surgeon you want but I would tell him or her to shove it. What in the heck difference is 3 lbs going to make. It's like hanging a piece of candy in front of a child and giving them some unreasonable goal to get it. 3 lbs by tomorrow is certainly possible but it's impossible to control your body. You don't want to do something stupid like starve yourself as you are going into major surgery and need to be extremely healthy. Compromising your body and health for 3 lbs is insane. JMO
   — zoedogcbr

May 4, 2004
Milk of Magnesia! HAHAHAHA! I'm laughing, but I ain't kidding! I am NOT promoting laxatives as a means for weight loss, ok? Don't want to get flamed here! But when I've been a little "bound" for a while (happens about once every few months), I take that, and the next day I'm usually down a few pounds!
   — ScottieB86

May 4, 2004
I would get a hold of a fluid pill. Before my surgery I could lose up to 8 lbs in one day. I took them for my blood pressure but they helped to get excess fluid off the body. Seriously!
   — Angel E.

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