Reflux surgery previous to open rny bariatric surgery

Hi. I am due to have my wls on 4.9.04 and I am getting really nervous. I had reflux surgery several years ago and now my surgeon will have to "undo" the wrap. I need to head from those who have had this and what was the outcome. My surgeon is supposed to be the best around and the only one locally who does it (un-doing the fundiplication surgery so I can have the rny) and that is why I have waited for him since May of last year. Please, please, please I need to hear about the outcomes --wether positive or negative. Thanks    — Julie M. (posted on March 21, 2004)

March 21, 2004
While I can not help your specific question, I remember there is someone on this site (Linda?) who had that surgery prior to WLS and it was recommended that she have the DS instead of the RNY. I believe it was to be a much safer approach. She had the DS and is doing great. I know this isn't exactly what you asked, but I think it relates....somehow. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 22, 2004
I had the Nissen Fundoplication done about 2 years before I decided to have the gastric bypass surgery. I had my Open RNY on 6/21/01 and my surgeon had to undo the Nissen also. She did my RNY as an Open procedure due to having to take down the Nissen surgery. All went extremely well and I had no problems, she had only done a couple of other "take-downs" for the purpose of gastric bypass surgery before me but she is an extremely skilled surgeon so I had the utmost confidence in her. Post-op recovery went great and I have not had a single day of reflux since! Sounds like you have the right surgeon and he knows his stuff. I lost all my weight (150 lbs.) in a year's time and all went until Feb. of 2003. I had a major bowel obstruction which required being cut open again, but the same surgeon did it and all came out fine. She said having had several abdominal surgeries might have contributed to the scar tissue creating the bowel obstruction (my small intestine became wrapped around a piece of scar tissue and was being strangulated) but it was NOT directly linked to the RNY surgery. She felt it was more likely due to my tubal ligation as the problem was very low in my abdomen. Sorry for the long answer - don't worry, I think you will do fine, and I hope you experience the joys I have since having my RNY. Feel free to e-mail me directly if you have any other questions. [email protected] Good luck!
   — ALF

March 22, 2004
I had a Nisson in Aug. 2000. Due to my husbands ins. WLS wasn't an option and my Barretts Esophagus was more important to deal with. When WLS was an option, my surgeon originally was going to do the RNY but after speaking with Collegues from across the country he decided it was too great of a risk FOR ME and would only due the DS as this wouldn't affect my Nisson. My surgeon felt my risk of death was increased with having to "take down" the Nisson and the chances increased for bleed out, holes/tears in the upper stomach etc. Also, with the risk for tearing/holes the pouch for the RNY could possibly be smaller than normal and he wouldn't know that until he got in there. My ins. co. originally approved the RNY only. My surgeon had a conference with the head Dr. on the review board and they agreed that FOR ME the DS was less of a risk. I have Aetna and they don't typically pay for the DS but they did for me as they agreed with my surgeon that it was medically necessary. Whatever you decide make sure you know going in ALL the risks you face. You definetly have a higher risk because of the need for the"take down". I had an open DS with Gall Bladder removed(it was bad) and I was under for 7.5 hrs. I had my surgery 3 yrs. ago next month. I'm thrilled with my surgeons choice. My surgeon refused to do the RNY but I love my DS and FOR ME it was the right thing.The most important piece of advice I could give you: RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH! How many of these "take downs" has your surgeon done and what were the results? Best wishes on this wonderful journey.My surgeon wasn't my original choice. I was going closer to home. He backed out less than 2 wks. before my surgery date. No explanation no nothing.(My surgeon knows him and said it was because he got scared that my surgery was bigger than he first realized.) I got on the internet and wrote 10 surgeons in NJ& NY. Only 2 were comfortable with my Nisson. 8 of those surgeons wouldn't touch me once they heard of the Nisson. They said that my "case" was too complicated and big for them to handle. Any questions feel free to contact me!
   — Linda M.

March 25, 2004
I had the Nissan done June of 1999....I had LAP RNY 9-15-03...the Nissan had to be undone and the same surgeon who did the original Nissan was one of the two surgeons who did my LAP RNY...and there were no complications due to this procedure being undone...I was told there shouldn't be a problem and there wasn't....
   — Rhondaroo78

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