Diverticulitis--Does rny leave us exposed to this?

By not having enough cereal and fiber, not enough water we are open to IBS and diverticulitis? Anyone who has severe pain in left side and diverticulitis? Please respond to this Question if you have experienced this....I really need some feedback...diverticulitis leads to bowel obstructions and can be serious. It's also hard for us to cure because the solution is 20-30 grams of fiber and trying to get 6-11 servings of cereal and grains. and no dairy etc. What do you do if you have this condition with the gastric bypass?    — dill P. (posted on March 15, 2004)

March 15, 2004
I was diagnosed with diverticulosis right before my surgery when I had a colonoscopy. I never had a symptom before surgery or in the year since. I was told to steer vcclear of seeds and nuts, but frankly sisnce I had never had a problem, eat as I always have, well not quite, but I don't deny myself the nuts/seeds. So far, no problem. Sorry if Ihave not been helpful. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

March 15, 2004
I was diagnosed with Diverticulosis (osis is pockets, itis is infection) about 6 months prior to surgery. I upped my fiber by eating Metamucil cookies and had no problems. I had surgery 8 months ago and am having my first 'flare'. It's pretty painful. I searched around for a good supplement and found Fiber Choice chewable wafers. They are sugar-free. Of course, I couldn't find them anywhere near where I live and wound up ordering from They should be here next week. Hopefully they will do the trick. I'm taking an otc pill to keep me regular for now.
   — K S.

March 15, 2004
I was dx with diviticulosis (the condition) in 1991. Only had one attack, and that was a year before surgery (1993). And I prefer grains, veggies, so I'm not sure that's an guarantee. I LIKE veggies, and grains. Have to be careful of fruit, as I like them WAY too much and will promptly wear too many right on my hips. I now use Liquafiber (soluble) as it's easy to use and I'm much more faithful than I was to any others. I can easiily get 20g fiber this way and eat the rest in the stuff I love. I do not do dairy, but do not avoid grains, at all. We need them! I like nuts & seeds, too, but still remember the pain of the divirticulitis (the inflammation) attack and so don't east quite as many of those as I'd like, though I need the fats in them.
   — vitalady

March 15, 2004
My father-in-law was dx'ed with colon cancer last year and that really prompted me to research prevention and causes for my husband's sake. It was disturbing to see the trends in america regarding colon cancer, IBS, and other GI issues. As a result, I have since upped my fiber to 30-35 grams a day using whole grains, veggies, and Fiber One cereal. I really enjoy it and it has 14gms fiber in 1/2 cup. Give it a try!
   — Rachael B.

March 15, 2004
I had an rny 2 1/2 years ago.. and just started having these pains that the Doctor thinks is divculities.. From the brochure she gave me its no wonder.. I dont get any fiber in hardly at all.
   — star .

March 16, 2004
I dont have an answer but I was wondering about this - I have Diverticulous (sp?) and I am going to have WLS - I will be seeing the surgeon in a couple of weeks and I am afraid that maybe I wont qualify for the surgery because I am it - if you recieve any info can you forward it to me also please???? [email protected] thanks Sonya
   — Sonya Galindo

March 16, 2004
Relax its a non issue. Diverteclosis occurs to the large intestine, WLS only affects the small intestine. As long as a percentage of what you eat is rouhage you will be fine. I have divertelocis and once lost 13 pints of blood from it bleeding. My surgeon wasnt concerned.
   — bob-haller

March 16, 2004
to Bob Haller - Thirteen pints of blood??? All at once? That's more than most of us even have in our system given that the average is about 7 pts. Your doctor must have been a little concerned. I'd be curious at least. You're OK at least?
   — Suzanne M.

March 16, 2004
Yeah I very nearly died, this runs in my family. 13 pints coming out like a fire hose, over less than a day. They said if I had been older I would of died for sure. I had one of those near death experiences, heaven it was a nice place. Made it easier when family died years later. The other day a member posted about a addiction to eating aspirin, for the feel of the pills being chewed, I warned her of the danger in rather direct terms. In my case I was taking cold pills that contained aspirin for cluster headaches. Before it occured I wasnt aware of the danger. I read later the survival rate for that much lost bood is near 1% I was lucky and had excellent care.
   — bob-haller

March 16, 2004
That occured in 1985. I dont take aspirin!!! They gave me a thrombin enema, is a blood clotting agent and that stpped the bleeding. I felt bad for at least a month. Thrombin is a clotting agent, at the time it was a experiment. Oddly enough the doctors all say avoid nuts erries and seeds and popcorn but a surgeon who consulted my case said he never found anythng like this in a divertlocis. They atre like snmall pouches that sometimes rupture and bleed. My dad and brother have both had major bleeders like I did:( Like me they survived.
   — bob-haller

March 16, 2004
I have diverticulosis and also a form of colitis called microscopic colitis. They affect the large intestine. I was cleared by my gastro doctor and another gastro doctor that my bariatric surgeon confired with before I had open RNY last May. I see my gastro doctor real soon for a colonoscopy (my bi-yearly) and I am really in tune with how my bowels are reacting to my diet. I have medication in the house if I start getting an irritated colon again. A person is open to IBS, and irritable bowel diseases (colitis & diverticulosis) if you have a family history of it. I have a long family history of it on both sides. By the way you do not cure IBS & IBD you can only control it.
   — ChristineB

March 17, 2004
Me again the previous poster. The one and only time that I had a bout of diverticulitis my pain was on the left side. I was told by my internist that that is where it starts. Hope this info helps you.
   — ChristineB

March 18, 2004
Thanks for all the responses. I recently had an upper gi and everything is fine with my surgery. My pain is on the left side lower bowel and no results from the cat scan yet.I'll let you know when I find out--my symptoms match the diverticuitis. THANKS for all the help!
   — dill P.

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