The way I'm losing weight, my body looks so weird.

Ok.. it looked weird before. Before surgery I was wearing almost a 4x in shirts, and 32 pants. My top half is getting smaller.. and below my waist I don't feel like it's changed all that much! When do ya start loosin' the butt, and hips.. and I just look weird. I know I'm losing lbs.. the scales say so. But I don't feel like I'm getting smaller at all. When will I dramatically start losing clothing sizes? MJ 10/13/03 425/325/200ish    — Michelle J. (posted on February 25, 2004)

February 25, 2004
Hi Michelle--I lost inches just that way. Surgery was Sept. 18th, and I lost from my head and shoulders first, then mid-section, then hips. From late Dec. to early Feb. I lost 5 inches in my hips, so that was 3--4 months out. I was a bit bottom heavy for a while, but then my pants just started falling off of me. It'll happen. Just be patient. Now I'm slowly losing all over, and I look fairly balanced now, too.
   — Cisbell

February 25, 2004
I definitely lost more quickly in the upper half of my body. It took much longer for tummy, hips, legs to lose but once they did, they've definitely caught up with the top half. I started out in size 18W and didn't need to buy new clothes for at least 3-4 months. Yes, they were getting looser on me but I could still wear them. However, once I started buying new clothes, it seems like the weight just started falling off and for several months, I was going into a new size about every 5 weeks. I'm 9.5 months post-op now and I've been in the same size for over 2 months but, I can now feel this size getting looser on me and I think that within another month, I'll be down another size. Don't worry, it will happen for you too! Good luck and congratulations!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 25, 2004
Me too! I feel like all the fat is melting from the top and settling in my hips and thighs. It feels like I'm never going to lose weight there. I'm almost 7 months out so my honeymoon is over and I'm working harder to get rid of the unwanted backside. My top is a full two sizes smaller than my bottom and getting clothes to fit is becoming tougher. I can certainly empathize with you.
   — Steph Elaine

February 25, 2004
I did just the opposite. Have lost 10 to 11 inches in my hips, only four in chest, and only two in waist so for the first time I can ever remember, I'm wearing the same size top and bottom. Wierd but I like it.
   —  SCbabe B.

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