My stomach hurts so bad.. help...
This weekend, I've felt tired.. Saturday I felt like I could've fainted all day. Yesterday, I felt just blah. Today, my stomach has hurt so bad.. right in the middle of my tummy. I feel bloated and nauseous, and I'm miserable. Anyone got suggestions? — Michelle J. (posted on January 26, 2004)
January 26, 2004
You didn't say how far out you are. I had horrible stomach pains and I
think its flu. If you're unsure it would be wise to at least give your doc
a call.
— ZZ S.
January 26, 2004
it would be very unwise for any of us to try to tell you what is wrong with
you. The person you need to be calling is your doc even if it is after
— Delores S.
January 26, 2004
Delores is right you need a doctor. I wouldn't wait around either. I had
similiar symptoms back in June and not to scare you because it all worked
out but I needed emergency surgery for a blockage. I felt very gassy and
nauseated. I thought I had a virus. Don't take chances. Carrie
— Carrie D.
January 27, 2004
the previous posters are right, but I felt the stomach thing a few days ago
for like 2 days straight... i think It was really bad gas, but I took the
chewable GasX, and it helped. I think you should see your doctor first, and
if it is just gas, try that. :-)
— Katrina K.
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