This question for the fast losers--How long does it last?

I'm so happy to say that in 12.5 weeks, I've lost 91 lbs. I've tried really hard, and worked on it. (Of course, I started heavier than some of the people here. 5'8 425 lbs.) When I went to the doctors office, they told me once you hit 100 lbs, the weightloss slows down. Could I get some personal experiences from fast losers? Does it slow down really slow? I still have about 130 lbs to lose till MY goal. Michelle 10/13/03 425/334/200 (hopefully)    — Michelle J. (posted on January 2, 2004)

January 2, 2004
Michelle, I started at 291 and at 7.5 months I'm down 123 lbs. I lost 106 by 6 months, so yes it does slow down some. I do know people that started near your weight and lost over 200 lbs, and is maintaining to this day. Good luck and God bless you!
   — Happy I.

January 2, 2004
I'm not a fast loser but figure you have another 15 months to lose 140 pounds. Sounds doable.
   — mrsmyranow

January 2, 2004
I had surgery 6-30-03 and at my 6 mo. 12-30-03 I lost -135. I noticed it slowed down a bit here and there but I exercise EVERYDAY. Biking, weight lifting for toning. Keep up you water in take, and make sure you eat the right amount. I think my body started to go into starvation mode. I was only still eating 2 tablespoons when I should of been at 3-4. As soon as I started eating the 3-4 I started back at my 1 pound a day loss YIPPEE!!
   — Janine Greenwood

January 2, 2004
oops.... Forgot to tell you I started out 381 as of last week I am now 246. -135 in 6 mo.
   — Janine Greenwood

January 3, 2004
At 12 weeks I had lost 95 lbs too, Michelle. Congratulations!! I am a fast loser and I started out at a whoppin' 405. I am 171 now with about 20 more lbs to go to goal. I had Open RNY just a bit over 14 months ago. Other than walking, I am ashamed to say that is about the extent of my exercising. I am joining Curves next week and plan to get on a good exercise regimen. I have slowed down these past two months. I did partake of a few more Christmas 'goodies' than I should have and the weather kind of prevented my walking. EXCUSES! I would be happy with a 5 lb loss a month now. I was averaging between 13 and 15 most months. And some months more. I feel absolutely great. Totally energized! From my personal experience, I don't think it's 'over' after the first year OR that 100 lbs. I think we have the control to see it through. As you get smaller (don't ya just love the sound of THAT?), naturally we will lose slower. But we WILL lose if we continue to follow the plan. Protein first, lots of water, and our vitamins. Oh, and don't forget our exercise. Continued good luck and health to you, Michelle.
   — Ginger M.

January 3, 2004
At 12 weeks I wasn't anywhere near 91 lbs but did consistently keep losing. As of today I am 11 months PO and have lost 212 lbs and 30 lbs from goal. I had consistently lost an average of 20+ lbs a month from the start but since 6 months PO the pattern has changed quite a bit. I will sit for a week or two and then drop 7 lbs. Until the last 2 months I was losing 15-20 lbs yet. 2 months ago I lost 14 and last month 10. I'm shooting to lose another 15 by Feb 23rd which is the day of my first PS. I should be able to accomplish it. That will put me 15 lbs from goal which means I should come out of PS (after the swelling goes down) at goal. <p>The moral of the story is if you follow the rules you will continue to keep losing. I know of people who have lost fast and they have kept losing well but their pattern changed earlier than mine. Like around 4-5 months. They would plateau more often (I never plateaued once until after 6 months) but then they will have a big drop and still average quite well. It comes down to what we chose to put in our mouths and how much we chose to get off our butts. That ultimately will affect the end results. We had very similar statistics. I am 5'9, started at 442 and now weigh 230. My goal weight is 200 but I figure when all PS is done I will settle out between 180-200. Do not sweat about how fast the weight comes off just do what you need to and it will happen. I could never have predicted I would be very close to goal weight by my 1 yr anniversary. Truthfully I already passed my initial goal which was to get anywhere under 250. I reached that by about 9 months. At about 6 months I was within 40 lbs of my initial goal so I reset it to 200. Keep up the hard work and take advantage of your lighter body and enjoy life!
   — zoedogcbr

January 3, 2004
Congratulations, fellow fast loser! Like you, I enjoyed very rapid results-- having started at 500 pounds, I was able to lose 80 pounds the first month and a little over 120 by the end of the second month. My weight loss did slow down gradually each month. However, until I had dropped 250 pounds, I still averaged over 14 pounds of weight loss per month. With the speed comes a little added pressure, of course, because you still want to be very cautious of everything that goes into your mouth and use the time to develop those important life-long healthy eating habits. But, I can safely say that at 15 months out (and past my goal), I am continuing to lose as I never re-learned the worst of my awful pre-surgery eating traits. Enjoy the ride-- unlike a thrilling roller coaster that only leaves you with a memory, when the rapid weight loss ride is over, you will still have great results forever.
   — SteveColarossi

January 3, 2004
First off, congrats on a great loss so far. I'm 5'7" and on my surgery date (6/24/03) weighed 468. This morning (about 6 months and a week) I was at 301. I've noticed it has slowed a little recently. Since it takes fewer calories to sustain a lighter weight, the closer we get to goal, the more our losses will slow down unless we exercise more and burn more calories.
   — LisaHillsinger

January 3, 2004
<b>Hi there hon, For me I have loss 171 lbs in 12 months (Open rny 12/6/02) pre-op 400 lbs. my goal is 150 lbs. so I have more work to do. I just focus on my proteins and exercise plus the water. I have slowed down but I fight it with every tooth and nail LOL When it slows I just work extra harder. and it usually works. I don't fear not reaching goal. because I'm just that determined. and always thought positive</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

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