I'm about 80 lbs lighter than 3 months ago. My hip joints feel so stiff..

I feel great... my hips make me feel like I'm walkin' like an 80 year old. haha! Do you think it's cause my center of gravity is changing or something?? Oh yeah.. I'm about to finally go down a size! yippee!! My bum is lookin' smaller!    — Michelle J. (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
Sorry I don't have an answer for you, but I look forward to someone giving an answer because I have the same problem! Especially if I sit at work for an hour or two, when I get up I feel like my hip joints need some oil!
   — beeda

December 30, 2003
Your body will go through all sorts of aches and pains as you lose weight rapidly. Your body learned over the years of obesity to adjust its center of gravity and how it carried the weight. As you lose rapidly, it shifts the body mechanics and puts weight or pressure on areas not used to it, etc, etc. Many complain of back pain for a while or that their butt hurts (not as much padding back there!) I assume you are taking all your vitamins and calcium? If not, it could be a sign of something else, but if you are, then just give it some time and before long your body will adjust to its new form. You can also check with your surgeon just to be sure...
   — Cindy R.

December 30, 2003
hi michelle, hows it going, i am happy to hear of your weightloss, i myself have lost 70. their is a number of things that cause stiffness, but the one thing is true about our centre of gravity changing. i have a wonderful chiropractor who adjusted me and now i feel awesome.
   — sweetdarling_ab

January 6, 2004
I'm so glad to see this question.......I'm having the same problem. I even called my doctor to see if I could start taking my celebrex again.....thought my arthritis was getting worse. I've tried everything except going to a chiropractor. I had not thought of that but it is definitely worth a try. It takes me at least 2 minutes after I stand up to feel like I can move my legs, particularly the right leg. By the way, congrats on going down a size!
   —  SCbabe B.

January 16, 2004
I have the same problem. I am down 75lbs in 2 1/2 months and I thought all the pains would go away not come back. But I have figured out that if I do some stretches it seems to help. Good Luck And Congrats!
   — Sabrina Plunkett

February 3, 2004
I too experienced joint and pain stifness. I complained and complained to both my Bariatric Surgeon and my PCP...neither offered any advice. I have fibromyalgia and some days it was absolutely unbearable. I ended up sleeping with pillows under my knees on really bad days...somehow that really does help or even a pillow to take some of the stress off your spine during waking moments..give it a try :-0
   — TerryS

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