I am very concerned about side effects of Trinsicon & constipation.

I am schedualed for surgery 4.9.04--I know a while away :) and am very concerned about my surgeon saying I have to take Trinsicon for the rest of my life. (concerned because of the iron in the Trinsicon & taking iron causes me severe constipation.) I have had several problems in my past and my GI doctor already has me on Miralax which does help. Has anyone else had the same problem and how did you deal with it? I am afraid of the post op problem and keep on going back and forth wondering if I should cancel it or not. I have waited so long (since May of this year) just to get in to see this doc -- and in a matter of seconds I am now second guessing my descison. Please help. Thanks    — Julie M. (posted on December 22, 2003)

December 22, 2003
I had severe problems with constipation prior to RNY as well. My surgeon had warned me that these would likely only get worse. And they have to a degree. I work for a GI group and am on Miralax currently. I also take benefiber or colace stool softeners depending on the situation. I can tell you that since my 4th or 5th month when I significantly bumped up my activity and exercise my BM's have been more normal. You did not mention it but, if you have problems with hemm's they too only get worse and with increase in activity mine are far worse. it is kinda a double edged sword. Would I not have surrgery due to this constipation? HECK NO!! The constipation regime is a more than fair trade off for this new "lease on life" I have. I have read that some RNY post ops are on Zelnorm. I have never discussed ths with my surgeon and have never questioned the MD's I work for. We have not used it on any post op RNY's that I am aware of. If you need any further info contact me. That wait has got to be draining. I would have obsessed over EVERYTHING and made myself sick! Happy Holidays- Lisa LAp RNY 4/22/03 252/164/150 (8 months today! down 88 lbs)
   — Lisa K.

December 22, 2003
Trinsicon is NOT ferrous sulfate, so very possibly will not have that effect on you. If it does, there are other non-fe sulfate ones that might work better for you. Your association with pain (in/out) is the fe sulfate. Constipation does seem to be an issue for us, and many find that a couple of Tbsp of ground flax seed (not the oil) every day help keep things moving along. If the COLOR of your moves is black, I have changed irons til I get an iron that does not make me change colors, if you know what I mean. Currently, I do not take iron, but that is a freak thing that could only happen to me. Shortly, I will go back on iron and it will be the carbonyl form, as it was very easy on me before and certainly got my levels up nice 'n high. It does not appear to constipate anyone, but the per pill dose is very low, so more actual pills are required. Trinsicon is 110mg elemental (plus other bells & whistles), I think.
   — vitalady

December 22, 2003
I take trinsicon daily and have had no problems with constipation. The WLS itself normally cures you of the constipation anyway. The only time I did have constipation was after my gallbladder surgery and I just took a couple of ducolax and the problem was solved.
   — Patty H.

December 23, 2003
I also have been on Trinsicon since my RNY in May 2002. I had problems with constipation in the early months, and used pericolace to keep things moving when necessary. Also tried Benefiber, but didn't notice much relief from that. Ultimately ... though the passage of time, or passage of *whatever* ;-) ... I found I didn't need anything if I ate All-Bran for breakfast (mixed with another cereal). Others have also suggested the ground flax seed, though.
   — Suzy C.

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