I think I just need encouragement or something. *sniff*
Oh.. today is the first time where I felt like I was being attacked by all sides. DH called me at work, told me that the electricity got shut off, on the way home, tire popped, and I don't have chocolate, chips, greasy burger.. and that's all I want right now.. *cries and cries* I know that it's mostly psycological and I need to focus my thoughts on something to comfort other than food. I just don't know what. Could a WL sista get some comfort?? — Michelle J. (posted on December 3, 2003)
December 3, 2003
Awww! I've been there. *hugs* Just think how great it is to know those
cheeseburgers no longer have control. They really aren't as good as being
healthy is! :) There are days like this. And yep, they suck! Keep on
keepin' on. You're worth it. :)
— ladyphy
December 3, 2003
i am so sorry, and i understand totaly what you mean! hang in there! hugs
to you
— janetc00
December 3, 2003
You did it!!!!!! You got though a very bad day, and did not eat yourself
sick with junk food. Just think how great you are doing, before surgery,
you would have had a bad day, and gained 5 lbs.
— cindy
December 3, 2003
Evcry time a financial burden gets thrown my way, I say to myself, * they
can*t take away my surgery* and that is what helps me to stay on track.Why
is it these things always happen near Christmas, The IRS decided I owed
them more moeny yesturday but THEY CAN NOT TAKE AWAY MY SURGERY...hugs dear
Amos Sister
— Kathy S.
December 3, 2003
Hang in there honey. Ya made it, Ya didn't pig out even though you wanted
to, you took control, and that's something to be very proud of. Hugs!
— lorien
December 3, 2003
Go out and exercise. I find that if I get my aggression out on pounding the
sidewalk or at the gym I feel sooooo much better and have less desire to
eat. And go ahead and have a good cry. That's therapeutic too! But pick
yourself back up again and forge ahead. You can do it.
— Yolanda J.
December 3, 2003
Boy do I know how you feel, we have been having some financial problem's
lately ourselves and if I had had this surgery I probably would have gained
all kinds of weight,hang in there girl , were here for eaxh
other............ 270/160/110
— bikerchic
December 3, 2003
Michelle, I sure do understand. I have a very odd suggestion. Go to the
children's hospital and rock some of the aids babies or go to the homeless
shelter and play with some of the children there. You will be amazed at
how it can refocus your energy, touch your heart, put things in
perspective, and put you in touch with gratitude.
I am sending good thoughts your way.
Ann in TX
— Ann B.
December 3, 2003
Do something nice for yourself. Exercise and then have a long, hot bath
with some bubble bath or something that smells nice. Put lotion all over
and slip into some soft jammies. Make your self a cup of tea and focus on
yourself and not the problems. You have had a lousy day and you deserve a
little time to "collect" and refocus yourself. And have a hug!
— koogy
December 3, 2003
Hang in there... we are all sending warm positive "vibes" your
way. You have succeeded at gaining control though. You did not give in to
your urge to comfort yourself with food. Hurray to you. On a side note,
you should contact the electric company right away because in MN they
aren't supposed to shut off electricity from like November - March. Hang in
there girl.
— Kamy
December 4, 2003
Keep your head up. I also understand 100% of what you are feeling. Just
sit back and say a prayer and we will for you also. On the way home from
work last night I asked God for help to get some bills paid and get through
Christmas. We will make it!!!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!
— Lisa W.
December 4, 2003
I think things pile in on me about 4 times a year. I don't know - it must
be my quarterly dose of "Murphy's Law" or something. Somehow -
someway I finally reached a point that I accepted I couldn't control all
things and that even big things couldn't kill me or eat me so over time I
learned not to get too upset. Luckily for me DH understands these
quarterly come-aparts and lets me cry a little and then leaves me alone.
Silly as it sounds I find that a warm bath and soft jammies, like the
previous poster suggested, combined with piling up in bed with a bunch of
pillows, my three little doggies, ONE glass of wine and an episode each of
Seinfeld, Will and Grace and Friends makes me feel better. I usually drift
off to sleep in the middle of it. It doesn't mean the problems won't be
there in the morning. It doesn't mean I use alcohol to solve my problems.
It doesn't mean that I shouldn't do whatever I can to improve life's bad
situations. It just means that sometimes I need some ME time and I've
learned to take it. I've just found some good substitutes for food when
the ME times roll around. I'm saying a prayer that your circumstances
improve and that you can find the silver lining in this cloud. Merry
Christmas Honey.
— ronascott
December 4, 2003
You could try a vigorous walk or tearing up some fat clothes or
raking the yard...anything but the options you named dear!!! It'll all work
out .
Jenniffer Meinecke-4/08/03
— Jonesin
December 5, 2003
Hi Michelle, I know how sometimes things seem to be no end but they don't
last long. Sometimes, when life takes its toll, we need to start sitting
in the passenger seat and let Jesus do what he does. He'll bring you
through but you really have to truly give it to him. You have to tell him,
Jesus you know what I need, you know what I'm going through and I don't
know what to do so have your way. And you truly believe that it is done
and it will be. I'm a living testimony to that. Everything you feel, he
feels it too. We have all been there and done that and all have been
delivered by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be blessed and I'll keep
you in my prayers.
Your sister in Christ,
— tinky471
December 5, 2003
Girl, do I *ever* know where you're coming from! I buy plates from the
dollar store just so I can break 'em when I get fed up. Also, a massage
and a 1/2 hour soak in a hottub does amazing things for my mood. *heh*
Give yourself some pampering and try to steer clear of the refrigerator.
— Tracy C.
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