Has anyone had leg pain before surgery that was due to sacrioilaic?

Sorry if I am not spelling it right; but the doctor thinks it has to do with the weight pressing on a nerve (that travels from my back down the left leg into my calf). I have had slight pain before gaining the weight -- and yes, I have gotten heavier along with more leg/back pain. Wondering if he really is right, or if I am just built wrong or it is worsening with age (I just turned 40) lol. Thanks for reading. Julie    — Julie M. (posted on October 27, 2003)

October 27, 2003
He's probably referring to the Sciatic nerve. Essentially, it does run through the butt down the leg. Is the pain actually over the sacrum (tail bone) or are you feeling it shooting up through your leg, like sciatic pain? There is a muscle in the butt called the piriformis that is the cause of MOST sciatic pain, since the nerve run through the muscle most of the time. If there is tightness in that muscle, it impinges on the nerve which caused the pain. If you can, try some stretches that will stretch the muscle. Lay down, floor or bed, and try to pull your leg (while bent) up & across your body. Easier said than done when the belly is in the way, I know! =) You'll know what I mean, you should feel a stretch in your butt, or try massaging the muscles in your butt, keep them loosened up. If you feel comfortable getting a professional massage, you can request a glut(eal) massage, and that would help. If not, you can have your hubby/boyfriend/friend/whatever do it if you can't reach yourself. I would imagine losing weight in that area will definately help. There will be a lot less pressure on it. Good luck!!
   — KelBurt

October 27, 2003
Hi Julie, I am very familiar with this type of pain as I have had this since 1997. At this time, I went to my Dr. complaining of this annoying pain in the left leg, outer calf area. As soon as I told him about it, he said, "thats coming from you back." He sent me for an MRI and it showed I had some problems in my back. Years later, I hurt my back again, and this time the pain was also in my left mid buttock area. This is where your sacro-iliac joint, (SI joint), is located. I would encourage you to get this evaluated thoroughly, because left untreated, it only gets worse. I don't mean to scare you or anything, but I know that kind of pain definitely needs some attention. God BLess and I pray everything turns out good for you.
   — Myrna E.

October 27, 2003
Julie, Before my surgery which was 8 months ago, I suffered with the shooting pain down the leg to calf. I could barely walk and was taking all kinds of medications and went to physical therapy, including 3x a week doing stretching exercises in pool therapy. It all helped me manage the pain but it didn't take it away until I had the gastric bypass and then went to a chiropracter for treatment. And only then did the pain subside. Losing the weight was the answer. Now mind you, mine stems from arthritis of the hip and the hip soreness is still there and once in awhile I get a twinge of the sciatica but no where near the pain and discomfort I had 115 lbs ago.
   — janice L.

October 28, 2003
I have had trouble with my SI joint (sacroilliac) for about a year now. I have had physical therapy and massage and it helped a lot, but I didn't continue to go (couldn't take the time off work). The physical therapist that i saw gave me some great exercises to do and they help a lot. Lay flat on your back on the floor, knees bent and feet on the floor. Then put you hands under your hips and try to push them into the floor with your hips. Try to see if you can hold it to the count of 10 and then relax for 10 sec and then do it again for 10 sec. This feels great
   — Keri P.

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