GROSS ALERT!! A question regarding bowel movements...

eek... I promised myself I'd never ask poop questions. I'm 6 days post op! yahoo! Hospital stay was ok. I think I'm doing alright at home (I hope) But last night I had my first bowel movement, and now it's like I can't stop going! And it's very dark, yellowy kinda colored. Is this normal?    — Michelle J. (posted on October 19, 2003)

October 19, 2003
OK, gross answer...I am 10 days post-op and I had my first one 4 days post-op. Since then I go twice a day and one of them is always yellow and foamy. EWWWWWW. So I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you someone is going thru the same thing. I know when I read your question that helped me. My whole theory is that there really is nothing going in and my body is getting rid of old things, such as oily fast food. Just a theory.
   — Susan M.

October 19, 2003
it is gross isn't it? i am now 4 and a half months post open rny (-74 lbs) and my poop has only returned to a normal color in the last few days- very early on it was the same that you describe- it then became a really dark green and stayed that way- i was totally freaked but was assured by my doctor that it is normal and happens to a lot of people- he said it would go away eventually and it did- i wouldn't worry about it- good luck-
   — Jannie N.

October 19, 2003
I am 2 1/2 months post-op, and I have very light bm once in awhile, I am no expert, but I think the colors and the foam we have is fat leaving the body. You can lose fat by mouth (ketosis) by urine or by waste. Oh yea, by sweating, and the fat that we are losing is a very good thing. So unless it is a bloody stool, I think you are losing fat.
   — cindy

October 19, 2003
Michelle- You are about where many of us were. First, appreciate that your system goes into a little bit of shock from the surgery and the dramatic changes in your diet. Secondly, it does take some time before everything starts working again-- and then, you are relieving days of fluids, plus everything else that was ingested right before surgery. It'll take a few weeks before you are starting to feel normal in the poop department. Good luck!
   — SteveColarossi

October 19, 2003
I am 2 years post op and the 'poop issue' is one that is mystifing still to this day. I don't think there really is a 'normal'.
   — RebeccaP

October 19, 2003
Don't worry unless it gets really black, tarry and grainy like sand... that means there is blood in it. If that happens, call your doc IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, your body is just getting rid of tons of fat, impurities, etc., and is in major shock right now. You will have LOTS of poop issues until you get around your goal weight... Be prepared, there will be LOTS more poop than you think is normal, too... you are shedding fat, so it is going to be a bit gross for a while. It DOES get better, eventually, though, so don't worry too much, okay! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

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