Please help me with some reassurance, Post - Ops :) Nausea

I had a lap RNY on Sept 9th. I felt great up until this last weekend. Now I'm so nauseaous that I can't work! Food goes down fine, but I get a sick feeling 20-30 minutes afterwards. I try to drink water to keep hydrated, but the water makes me more and more nauseous. The more I drink, the worse it gets. Fruit juice is too sweet and makes me dizzy. I'm REALLY trying to stay positive, but am having regrets about having the surgery. I can't help it when I feel so crappy. I've read other postings and people say that this will pass, but at the moment, I can't think of anything but my misery. Thanks in advance for not calling me a whiner and giving me a hard time.    — Robin J. (posted on October 2, 2003)

October 1, 2003
I am sorry you are feeling bad. We had a couple of people have the same symptoms you do. Their post is on our website at One had a stricture. You might ask your doctor to check that out and definitely ask your doctor if it continues. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
   — snicklefritz

October 1, 2003
I'm sorry your not feeling well but have faith it will get better. I had my RNY on Aug 8th and I also had a problem with feeling nauseous. My Dr perscribed some meds to help with the nausia and I started taking my nexium again. The nexium seemed to really help. I think the acid in the old part of your stomach is what contributes to the nausia. After about a week or so of taking the Nexium I started feeling better. I couldn't drink much at all before that because it made me feel sick. I hope this helps.
   — Michele Peck (Warwick now)

October 1, 2003
Contact your surgeon. It could be several things, you may just need some nausea meds, but he/she should know that you're having problems. I had nausea and vomiting on plain water, and it turned out to be a herniated intestine, so please let your surgeon know what's going on. In the meantime, try some peppermint tea. This settled my stomach better than anything.
   — mom2jtx3

October 2, 2003
One thing about the water - go really slow. As in literally sip the water - maybe 4-6 ounces over the course of an hour. It will take a while before you are able to just sit and drink like you used to. Also, I have that nauseas feeling if I have eaten too much or too fast. Measure your food and take at least 20 minutes to eat it. I never get that nauseas feeling if I follow this rule. New habits take some time, so slow down and recognize that you are learning something new and you should do great!
   — bethybb

October 2, 2003
i felt great untill 4 weeks postop. i started feeling nauseaous everytime i ate or drank anything. i called my doctor and had an upper GI done. my new pouch was fine, but my old stomach was filled with fluid (he said it backed up in the bile duct). everytime i ate or drank because of the new stomach being filled with fluid it would push on the new stomach making me feel sick. my doctor gave me some pills and now i feel great.
   — franbvan

October 2, 2003
Robin, know how you feel, had the same problem for nearly three months. I had to learn to drink my water room temperature. Always had to have ice water before. But, it worked. Had to drink really slow also, just a sip at a time. You might try a protein drink instead. I still can not drink fruit juice. Hang in there, it really will get better. I'm five months out now and feeling great But, only in the last month. I have lost 72 lbs and about 80 inches. None of us are whiner's it was a difficult thing done to your body and we have to listen to it and just hang in there. Hugs!
   — Barbara S.

October 2, 2003
Robin, I feel for you. I see a lot of responses to questions that say it will pass. That's a great answer if that's what you want to know but in the meantime it doesn't help the immediate situation. I suggest talking to your surgeon about how you're feeling. It could be a number of things. One of the things you might want to try in the meantime has already been suggested and that is to measure your food and eat as slowly as you can. I've noticed that any time I have discomfort it helps to walk around. It's difficult at times, but it helps relieve the discomfort a LOT faster. As I said though, it could be anything else and should be discussed with your doctor. Best wishes!!!
   — Diane S.

October 3, 2003
Robin, I'm so sorry that you are feeling crappy. I wish that I could suggest some magical solution to make it better but I don't have one for you. I have gone through several periods of nausea and I am about 3 1/2 years out. Try to hang in there. I does pass. If I can be of any help whatsoever please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] . Good luck. Chris Rinn
   — rinnchris

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