Sample of an effective appeal letter needed?

I was just hoping that someone would be able to help me. I recieved my denial letter stating that surgery is not medically neccessary for me because I do not meet the NIH standards. I am 5'5 and weigh 240 with a BMI of 39.1. They also stated that because I have sucessfully lose in the past that I am just not determined to make a life style change. I am desperate and need some advice. My doctor feels that I should be able to win and she is going to provide me with the medical documents showing my co-morbs. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks is advance.    — Natalie J. (posted on September 29, 2003)

September 29, 2003
Hi there! There is a book about wls by Michelle Boasten. I think it retails for around $12. In it there is a good appeal letter that helps you lay out diet, medical, comorb history etc, and helps you explain why your surgery IS medically necessary.
   — beeda

September 29, 2003
If you look in the library you will find sample appeal letters.
   — M B.

December 18, 2003

   — A M.

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