My friends wanna throw a HUGE party before my surgery...

My surgery is planned for 10/13. And my friend wanna have a great big party for me on 10/11! How sweet of them. I am not a drinker all that much but will be ok to have a few drinks that close to surgery?    — Michelle J. (posted on September 22, 2003)

September 22, 2003
Hi, Michelle: I think that is so cool that your friends are supporting you that way! I would think that as long as your doctor doesn't have you on a special diet pre-op, such as clear liquids before surgery, that a few drinks wouldn't hurt. To be on the safe side, though, I would suggest calling your surgeon's office to ask them if it would be ok, since all of our surgeons are different. I would hate to tell you "Yeah, have a ball" and then find out that it could cause complications...So please call your surgeon! Good luck!
   — Moysa B.

September 22, 2003
Hi congrats on your upcoming surgery! I think that is so great of your friends to throw you a party before surgery I wish my friends had done that for me! That is wonderful how supportive they are for you! I don't think that one drink wouldn't affect you on your surgery but I would ask your doc anyway! Good luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

September 22, 2003
I agree with your first responder, call your Dr first. 2 days out I was already on a special diet. We were told that if we violated that diet- no surgery. When you do have it scheduled (Party) I hope you have a GREAT TIME!!!! Best regards,
   — M B.

September 23, 2003
Hi...I wasn't given a special diet beforehand, other than lite eating and clear liquids the day before surgery, but I was told no alcohol 7 days prior to surgery. Please check with your surgeon to see what he says..Maybe your friends can plan the party for the first weekend in October? That way you can really enjoy yourself without worry....Good luck! Denise 316/155
   — lily1968

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