HELP.. quick fix for bronchitis. Please Post, Quick!

I see the pulmonologist on Sept. 8th.. and I'm just now getting bronchitis! Can someone out there give me any remedies, besides the antibiotics I'm gonna beg for from the DR tonight?? HELP ME!    — Michelle J. (posted on August 29, 2003)

August 29, 2003
Anti biotics are the best of course. However I'd put tons of Vicks on your chest, cover it and keep it warm. Then get some Robituson DM, which helps loosen the congestion. If you can get some Albuteral to breath into your lungs that may help too (as does codiene). I always get lung spasoms with bronchitus and need the Albuteral to stop the coughing.
   — Danmark

August 29, 2003
Please, See your Doctor...ASAP! Good "home style remedies" that have worked for me..... steam, steam, steam, drink warm drinks, chicken soup (a bit on the salty side!) and lotsa rest! You know you need antibiotics and if you wait until the may not be diagnosed with bronchitis, but with pneumonia. Also, if you wait too long, you may end up taking long doses of steriods... Yuck! Please take care of you! Best of luck...
   — teresa M.

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