Missed my PAT what?
I had my P.A.T on friday the 15th in CLEVELAND,, but due to the black out they canceled my appointment. I am supposed to call Monday to reschedule but I just can't wait that long, I was just wondering if due to something so uncontrollable if I will still get to have my surgery on Sept 4th? it took me over a month from the time I was approved to have my PAT date.. PLEASE HELP !! THANKS — kelkel319 (posted on August 17, 2003)
August 17, 2003
I don't know what a PAT is, but if is a required step before surgery, they
will certainly not go forward with your surgery without it - no matter
whose fault or "no fault" it is. Lots of people's lives have
been affected by this, so you are not alone.
— bethybb
August 17, 2003
I would call them first thing monday morning, I am sure they will
accomodate you somehow when you tell them your surgery date!
— Saxbyd
August 17, 2003
Beth PAT's are Pre Admission Testing. It is those little last minute
things like bloodwork and ekgs that you have just a few days before surgery
and is usually easy to schedule them.
— Delores S.
August 17, 2003
The PAT's are usually stuff like an EKG, blood tests and chest x-ray. It
should be very easily to reschedule this in time for your surgery. Call
them first thing Monday morning...JR
— John Rushton
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