Anyone have major leg pain?
Hello all. I have been having some major leg pain for 5 days now. In my left leg, there are two spots that are extremly painful. I am only 2 weeks out and very concerned about blood clots. I walk everyday the required amount. Maybe I am not getting enough protein or water? Anyways, I have an ultrasound scheduled today to see what is wrong. Has anyone else ever had this problem. I am just so worried. Thanks.... — RockwellMom (posted on July 28, 2003)
July 28, 2003
Call your doctor right now. I mean, immediately.
— gamboge
July 28, 2003
I apologize...apparently you already told your doc? I am surprised that he
would keep you waiting for an ultrasound. Did you speak to the doc or a
nurse? You did the right thing getting an appt. If it's a clot and they
catch it you're much, much better off...there's also a good chance that
it's muscular in origin. Stay calm, and don't miss the appt--you'll feel
much better having an answer and they'll have a treatment whatever it turns
out to be. i'll be sending thoughts & prayers--please let us know what
— gamboge
July 28, 2003
I had a problem after giving birth to my daughter in 2000 . I had my tubes
tied and my gyn said this could be a result from the surgery. Anyhow I had
a red spot on my leg it hurt to touch and was hot. My ob/gyn sent me to
the emergency room. They called it cellulitis I end up in the hospital for
four days while my newborn was home :-(. They put a pic line in my and
pump me with antibiotics. They sent me home hooked up to an IV and had to
give myself antibiotics for three weeks. I hope it is not serious for you.
I would love to hear what your sonogram showed. Good Luck.
— shbama
July 28, 2003
I would assume that since you're waiting for an ultrasound, the doc didn't
think it was an emergency, like blood clot. Doesn't hurt to get a second
opinion while you're waiting though. I know a few men who had blood clots
starting in their leg- scary thing. And I'm not trying to scare you, just
want you to get checkd out to make sure. In the meantime- keep walking all
the time! I just remembered- I actually had some type of leg pain in my
calf as well the first few weeks. Went to the ER and everything (I was
scred to death about any and all complications LOL) It turned out to be
nothing, might have just been from non-use in the hospital for WLS, I
cannot remember what the docs said, but it was nothing. Goodluck to you
— Lezlie Y.
July 28, 2003
Not to scare you but take it from someone who DID develop clots in the
lungs. If you have a pain that worries you get the Dr to DO something to
check it out. Talk about a scary thing. I now have a vena cava filter
implanted. Jamie
— Jamie M.
July 28, 2003
My Mom had bad pains in her leg (did'nt have wls though). She ended up not
being able to breath... it was a clot that went to her lung(s)! She could
have died. Now she is on oxygen full time as it damaged her lungs
permanatley and she now has pulmonary hypertention. (She's a non smoker
too). It was good you talked to your doc, but knowing what we know about
the dangers of blood clots, I'd still go to the emergency room and have it
looked at. There is to much at stake NOT too. Good luck.
— Danmark
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