Am i eating to much

I can eat a whole lowfat corn dog, is this to much i am 7 months post-op and down 95 lbs is my weight loss good? i started at 314.    — lisa N. (posted on June 3, 2003)

June 3, 2003
I could eat a light hotdog with the bun (wheat) at seven months post op. Your weight loss sounds great! Take care.
   — maryburton

June 4, 2003
I dont think your eating to much at all. I am just 2 mo. post op this week and I can eat allot. My average day is 2 eggs for breakfast, lunch is a big salad 1-2 cups with 4oz of protein (tuna,chicken) then I usually snack on a veggie at around 4pm then dinner at 7 is usually 6oz of meat and a veggie. I have been eating like this for a while and have lost 56 lbs in 2 months. I dont thing you need to worry about one dog..I only worry about getting low carbs. If your hungry eat !
   — Terri B.

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