Will i gain weight????

I have just been advanced to the next diet phase and i can have Peanut Butter and crackers or toast, i have a slice in the am with peanut butter and one for lunch, and sometimes snacks of 3 crackers with peanut butter is this to much? I dont want to gain weight, i dont know if we absorb all the sugar etc. anymore....    — roxxyblue72 (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 15, 2003
Its pratically impossibole to gain weight in the first 6 mos, however, Peanut butter, toast and crackers aren't the SMARTEST choices you can make. I checked and you are 6 wks out (little over a month). You should be EATING ALMOST ALL PROTEIN. Bread and crackers are not protein. Try some eggs, cheese, deli turkey, refried beans, cottage cheese, ricotta, shakes, etc. Get in the habit now and the habits will carryover for the rest of your life. Heather (Open RNY 8-15 - 305/194/150)
   — heathercross

May 15, 2003
Yes, you absorb every single g of sugar. The good news is that very few in a meal is not bad. Single digit grams. What you malabsorb, in a nutshell, is protein, iron, calcium, vites A, D, E, zinc & B12. Fats & oils, TO A DEGREE and some complex carbs are also malabsorbed. TO A DEGREE. Sugar, never. Lips to hips, no stomach required.
   — vitalady

May 15, 2003
Unfortunately we do absorb all sugar, and it should be avoided in the sense of not eating candy or chocolate or things of that nature. I don't see anything wrong with eating natural sugars in fruit or in yogurt, pnb, etc. On the one hand though, pnb isn't the best in the world, but it's not gonna kill you. And as long as it is 2 or 3 crackers and not 10, that isn't so bad either. I will eat 3 crackers and some cheese and turkey or other meats, etc. You know how many carbs those 3 crackers have? 7 - that really isn't bad. Granted, you should always focus on protein, but my nutritionist and doctor think it should be 70% protein 20% carbs and 10% fats. I believe moderation is the key to everything. I've done that and surpassed my goal within a year. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 15, 2003
they make sugar-free peanut butter!
   — franbvan

May 16, 2003
Roxanne, as an early post-op, there is not much you can do to gain weight, and nothing you eat at this stage would cause weight gain, simply because you cannot eat enough calories to gain. Later on as you can eat much more, it is possible to regain. PB is an early fav and approved by docs and nutritionists. Just be sure that it is not your only source of protein-try to include cheese, eggs, deli meats, fish, and beans in the diet.
   — Cindy R.

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