Does anyone know any exercise that will help the skin under your chin tighten up?

   — Lisa A. (posted on May 8, 2003)

May 8, 2003
Unfortunately there are no exercises that tighten up skin regardless where it is located. What will eliminate this problem is a facelift, which plastic surgeons have said it should be renamed a necklift because that is the area (along with the jaw line)that a facelift addresses.
   — Rebecca L.

May 8, 2003
Try this: Sit up straight and tilt your head back looking at the ceiling. While keeping your lips closed, start a chewing movement. Repeat 20 times. I really feel and see a difference in my jawline.
   — Aundra B.

May 8, 2003
I do face and neck exercises every day. They do work. I look up and make funny faces and blew kisses to the gods. It sounds funny but it works. I do this till it starts to hurt.
   — Mercy P.

May 8, 2003
Lisa, you do the neck exercises those gals gave you everyday and getyourself a product by L'Oreal called revitalift slim use it as directed , in 2 weeks you will see a big differance. I am 53 when I had this surgery 3 yrs ago I had about 4 chins and I had them for many years no one can ever believe that I was ever "heavy" because of my skintone. Granted genes has something to do with it but so did the exercise and proper care.
   — Rose A.

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