I read that the sun can cause your hair to fall out. Has anyone experienced

hair loss from the use of a tanning bed? My hair started falling out about 6 weeks ago. I know the surgery can cause this problem, I started tanning about a month ago and Im not sure if the tanning bed has accelerated the hair loss. Can anyone help me out on this?    — Lisa A. (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 27, 2003
I'm a hair stylist and I have NEVER heard of this before. I'm sure your hairloss is from the surgery and nothing else. Don't worry, its normal and will grow back.
   — Kris T.

March 27, 2003
I do not think Tanning will cause hair loss- I will put in my 2cents though as I was a dermatologist nurse for many year. It does INCREASE the aging process by about 10 x's, it increases the risk of skin cancer by many many times. It can also cause some skin problems- I knew a girl who contacted herpes off a tanning bed that was not cleaned with the right anti-bacterial stuff.Friend used the same bed prior to her and she had an outbreak. Think Twice. I know I want to have this surgery to look and be young and healthy- why tan and increase your wrinkles and darks spots- the self tanners work great-marykay,neutragenia,coppertone,lancome,avon-all great ones- also they have a new thing that you can get a spray on tan at a salon- not sure of the exact name- your choice- but tanning will not cause hair loss.
   — Jan S.

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