I know it's been said that we will not absorb coral calcium as well as citrate, but

will we get the same benefits from citrate as someone else would from the coral calcium? Some of the calcium claims are pretty impressive, but is it only coral calcium that supports these claims?    — Jennifer W. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
it is my understanding that it is calcuim carbonate (such as in tums and most pills) that we do not absorb, that calcium citrate we do absorb better. however there seems to ba a lot of varying information out there on this issue.
   — janetc00

January 20, 2003
To the best of my understanding it is not the absorption of the coral calcium that is the problem, but the amount you have to take. This product seems to be labeled in a misleading fashion, showing 1200 mg of coral calcium per dose BUT of that only abou 200 mg is elemental calcium. So to get your 1000+ mg a day, you'd have to take 5 doses. I am not sure why they can get away with that, but it makes me suspicious of the whole thing. I just take calcium citrate because I KNOW I absorb it and there are no shenanigans.
   — ctyst

January 20, 2003
It is DEFINITELY calcium citrate that we are REQUIRED to take twice daily. I am not sure about the coral calcium. I have not heard anything about that. Just an fyi darlin.
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

January 20, 2003
hiya. we have a lady in our wls support group who just graduated college with a degree in nutrition. she says that coral calcium = calcium carbonate. i have not had time to research the issue. i take a liquid calcium with magnesium and vitamin d (yes its citrate) and am happy with it. good luck, kate
   — jkb

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