Ok, I fell off the I feel terrible!

During Thanksgiving, I was an angel and did not falter from my food plan. Then I went on vacation to Hawaii for almost 2 weeks. I was pretty good while there plus I was exercising & walking on the beach daily. Since I got home 11 days ago, I have completely "fallen off the wagon" as far as food is concerned. I've gained 7 rotten evil pounds and I feel just awful. I know how to get back in the swing of things and get the weight loss going again but the guilt is just eating me up. How can I make myself feel better about making mistakes like I did? I am so afraid of gaining my weight back!!! I don't want to be out of control like before. Help! Thanks.    — Jennifer A. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
Jennifer, You have to let this go....if you don't, you won't move on. Instead of beating yourself up over this "slip", use this as a learning tool!!! Turn this into a positive for yourself instead of a negative. You said that you know how to take the weight back off, so go for it...but in the meantime, don't let guilt take's not worth the time and effort. Instead, use that energy to focus on getting back to where you wish to be! All is good in Jenniferland (giggle)...let yourself enjoy life!!! Love and light,
   — medium

December 30, 2002
First, pat yourself on the back for losing over 100 pounds since your surgery, AND, for being good at Thanksgiving, AND on vacation! Could you have done any of that pre-op? I know I couldn't have. Now, lets tackle those evil pounds..Falling off the wagon happens. IT HAPPENS... Your a brave person to come here and admit it and I for one admire you for fessing up. I, too, will fess up to gaining a few over the past few weeks-I blame my work for putting out all that holiday food every day, and forcing me to eat it! (only joking- I blame me, of course, for not staying away from it..) Anyways, we both know what we need to do to reverse this situation and make it happen. We have already taken the first step-fessing up. Now, for me, I have made an early New Years resolution (2 days early). Starting today, I have decided to change the snacks I have (fruit and popcorn instead of candy/cookies), add an extra day of treadmill to my schedule (4 instead of 3 a week), cut back a little on the carbs (salads for lunch instead of sandwiches) try to add a protein drink a day (not doing too well there) and pushing more water into me. I think if you sit down and look at what caused you to gain the 7 and just do the opposite, TAKE CONTROL, you can do it. Another suggestion-do you have a support group to lean on? Sometimes they can help enormously, just to let you know you are NOT alone.... Feel free to keep in touch with me if you'd like.
   — Cindy R.

December 30, 2002
No worries, honey! You've just proven you're human. We didn't have the surgery to be on eternal diet. Normal people go up and down sometimes and since our goal is to be normal wego up and down sometimes too. I was very good at Thanksgiving and even pretty good at Christmas but my evil husband brought home a huge amount of Christmas goodies from his office the day after Christmas and not only did I fall off the wagon but it ran over me and ran over me again when it backed up to see what it hit the first time! After my reckless eating I realized that I had to get all that "good stuff" outta there! It was actually an eye opening experience for me that I must continue to be diligent about keeping healthy food in the house and that it's always an ongoing process. Don't beat yourself up - we're all human. I'm VERY proud of you!
   — ronascott

December 30, 2002
You did not have this life-changing and life-saving surgery to be thrust back into the dieting lifestyle. You are already successful. You have been on vacation and holidays so it harder to stay on the "wagon". All that is over now. My doctor always says if you fall off the "Wagon" then start again. Go for a day or so with clear liquids only then start with protein, protein, protein. Lots of water and exercising and NO Grazing! You can do it! Don't give into the feelings! Just go with what you know. Good luck!
   — Sherry B.

December 30, 2002
You did not have this life-changing and life-saving surgery to be thrust back into the dieting lifestyle. You are already successful. You have been on vacation and holidays so it harder to stay on the "wagon". All that is over now. My doctor always says if you fall off the "Wagon" then start again. Go for a day or so with clear liquids only then start with protein, protein, protein. Lots of water and exercising and NO Grazing! You can do it! Don't give into the feelings! Just go with what you know. Good luck!
   — Sherry B.

December 30, 2002
You did not fall off a are not on a are on a life changing just stopped at a rest stop get back on the highway...simple as that. Quit being so hard on yourself... Your tool is still there ...use it.
   — Oldsoul

December 30, 2002
I haven't even had the surgery yet, but I feel similarly to you right now. I have gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks (I'm doing optifast as part of insurance requirement to wls). I have decided that just because I chose old habits (crappy, high-fat and sugar foods, and lots of it) the past few weeks doesn't mean I have to give up now. Hang in there -- you have done so well! And as others have pointed out, you're human, and have acted like a "normal" person. What is normal now is to go back to your regular, healthy routine, and the pounds will come off, I swear. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2002
you are normal - you made a mistake - probably a mistake that anyone in your shoes would have made. just don't dwell on it. get back on track and before you know it, those 7 pounds will be gone.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2002
Beating yourself only makes it worse. Now dry those eyes and start doing what you know you need to do. You have already made some positive steps. You are still getting the water and the exercise. Keep that up. Remember there are plenty of other people willing to knock you down, you don't need to lead the pack. Keep up the good work. Oh and just to avoid temptation. You can send me to Hawaii for you. I will reluctantly make that sacrifice. heheh
   — snicklefritz

December 30, 2002
Pick yourself up, shake off the dust, and get started again without looking back. It's happened to the best of us. Besides, no one says we have to stop LIVING or ENJOYING life. You said yourself, you know what you have to do. So DO IT. You know you can. Been there. Then you have this awakening. We've worked too hard. Gotta get back on track. No problem. Happy journey.
   — Annie H.

December 30, 2002
Take it one day at a time, one meal at a time. Make THIS meal high protein, low carb. Make THIS day an active one. If you look at it this way it is not so overwhelming. One failure does not ruin the future. I figure that if I eat lots of rice with my dinner tonight, I don't have to worry about it because of all the other nights I have eaten very little. It all evens out. Just make sure it evens out in your favor!<p>Sometimes carbs beget carbs. I don't know what exactly you mean by falling off the wagon but for most of us that means excess carb consumption. Try eating an all-protein breakfast and some protein each time you eat. It has really helped me stop craving carbs as much. Not that I don't eat them, sometimes more than I ought to. But, like I said, it all evens out. Good luck to you!
   — ctyst

January 1, 2003
Original poster here. I've already lost 5 of the 7 pounds I gained and feel so much better. *phew* Thank you all for being so encouraging! It's very cool to have a group of caring, helpful friends here. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

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