4 wks post op and have pain when eating

anything thicker than yogurt. I have tried everything from scrambled eggs & overcooked veggies to finely chopped chicken and beef and am unable to keep anything down. I get a bad pain in my chest and the only way to relieve it is to throw up. This has been happening all week and now I can't even keep liquids down. HELP!    — Laryssa E. (posted on October 18, 2002)

October 18, 2002
I am not saying that this is what you have, becasue I am not a doctor and that is who needs to diagnose you. BUT, those are the same symptoms that I had with my stricture. You need to talk to your doctor about it. HE may order an endoscopy to take a look. Also, if you have been throwing up alot, it could be from irritation. Try just some very warm (not too hot) liquids like tea (decaf of course) and see if that helps to calm your tumy.
   — Vicki L.

October 18, 2002
I had pain with eating too except that I couldn't throw up and would just be in pain sometimes for 24 hours. What I found out was that I was irritating the pouch and that if this happened once I then went back on liquids for a full 24 hours. I also stayed on soft foods a little longer, such as soups, tomato juice, yogurt etc. Wait a week and then try something else. Your pouch isn't healed yet at all. Definitely if you continue to have problems call your surgeon's office. Hang in there! I am only 5 1/2 weeks post myself and can relate to the frustrations.
   — Roberta S.

October 19, 2002
I also am 4 weeks post op and I have had that problem a time or two and it is when I didn't chew really really well or when I took a bite and then another too quickly. When I slow down and take pencil eraser size bites chewed very well the pain stopped.
   — Pam G.

October 20, 2002
I will be 7 weeks post-op Tuesday and have had a blockage (small pill), and a stricture. The blockage, I knew right away that something wasn't right. Not even water would go into my pouch, everything sat right in my chest area, and NO amount of vomiting would relieve it. That was at 3 weeks post-op, an EGD took care of that. The gastro doc thought then that I was aoing to have problems, but didn't want to do anything (dialation) so early. SOOOOO, exactly 3 weeks later, another EGD was done after vomiting for 2 weeks any time I tried to eat something other than liquids. That was 3 days ago, and yes, I can eat without vomiting, however, I hurt sooo bad, I want to cry!! I'm just as sore as I was a week after open RNY!! Now I get to have an upper GI this week. Please don't wait it out, vomiting is NOT normal!! Oh, and YES, I did chew my food!! Trust me, I saw it come back up every time, and it was well chewed. Good luck to you, and I hope it is something easily taken care of.
   — Terri Z.

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