PCP in or around Charleston SC, that's PRO-WLS and excepts medicaid?

I have a PCP thats about an hour away i haven't found one closer that excepts medicaid. But the one that i have is kind of close minded, and old fashioned i know in my bones that he will not approve, he is always talking about how much a test or procedure cost and he would not recommend unless absolutely neccessary. Please help, post or email response to [email protected]    — deniece M. (posted on September 30, 2002)

September 28, 2002
I have a friend in Chas that just got a referral and on the waiting list to see Dr. Byrne at MUSC. I will try to get a hold of her to find out the name of her PCP. You can also call Dr. Byrnes office and ask for a recommendation for a 'WLS friendly' PCP. And of the docs listed here on this site for the Chas area, Dr. Byrne is the only one that transects, which I highly recommend.
   — Cheri M.

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