why after 15 weeks, doi suddenly have acne? ihave never had

any skin problems before. i have had other types of surgery, and noproblems,is it the different diet?    — sue P. (posted on September 12, 2002)

September 11, 2002
Even though I am a guy, my wife is a nurse and she's explained to me that fat stores estrogen and when the fat disappears, the estrogen is released. This results in wacky periods and presumably skin problems too. It'll probably get better when most of the fat disappears.
   — John Rushton

September 11, 2002
hormones are being released from the fat causing the acne. It was a major problem with me. And when I go through losing periods still, I get acne. So, it is normal and anoying.
   — Vicki L.

September 11, 2002
I still have it at 9 months out..I tried everything to help it and started using that Proactive system and it works....My face does not have all of those red, red spots..not bumpy skin anymore. It is 39.95 for a two month prescription, a little expensive, but if you can afford it, it is worth it.
   — Patricia R.

September 12, 2002
hiya! the answer seems to lie in the estrogen in fat cells answer. i had a hysterectomy a few years ago and did fine on premarin (estrogen replacement) however about 6 mos post op i started getting severe migraines, i thought i needed to decrease my premarin because of the weight loss however my ob-gyn said that estrogen is processed in fat cells and the fewer (and smaller) your fat cells are, the more estrogen you need! (unfortunately estrogen is known from causing migraines if you are prone to them as i am)...! so i switched to estratest which has estrogen and testosterone in it and have been fine since. you may want to see your ob-gyn about getting on a birth control pill like ortho-tricyclen which has estrogen in it and is known to help with acne. you can also ask for retin-a (i know there is controversy around it tho...) good luck! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 130lbs
   — jkb

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